NUDOR’s first strategic plan (2010-2016) focused on establishing NUDOR as a viable, well-run organisation. Significant progress has been made towards these aims and therefore the strategy and has been reviewed by NUDOR board, secretariat and member organisations. The updated strategic plan now cov...ers the period 2015 – 2020 for which three strategic aims have been agreed.
1. Representation and accountability: NUDOR will be accountable to and effectively represent members’ interests through the delivery of projects and priorities agreed by member organisations, and by facilitating joint working amongst members.
2. Capacity building and resource mobilization: NUDOR and its member organisations are strengthened to fulfil its mandates by developing its technical skills, research and insight, sustainability and outreach.
3. Advocacy and influencing: NUDOR will work to ensure that the needs and rights of all persons with disabilities are recognised by all, mainstreamed in laws and policies at all levels of government, and in programmes of other institutions focusing on areas of education, health and poverty reduction.
A Technical Brief for Breakthrough ACTION Field Teams
Social media can be used to collect and address rumors or popular beliefs among target audiences, share evidence-based and timely health information, receive instant feedback on materials, conduct remote trainings, promote awareness of a project..., its mission and events, and more. As increased numbers of people search online for health information, social media platforms are leading the lightning-speed spread of both dangerous coronavirus misinformation and the correct life-saving measures individuals, families, and communities can take to reduce their risk. Public health programs must have a proactive presence in these information-sharing spaces to provide access to trusted and accurate information.
Environmental Research Volume 151, November 2016, Pages 115-123
Dengue is the world’s most important arboviral disease in terms of number of people affected. Over the past 50 years, incidence increased 30-fold: there were approximately 390 million infections in 2010. Globalization, trade, travel,... demographic trends, and warming temperatures are associated with the recent spread of the primary vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus and of dengue. Overall, models project that new geographic areas along the fringe of current geographic ranges for Aedes will become environmentally suitable for the mosquito’s lifecycle, and for dengue transmission. Many endemic countries where dengue is likely to spread further have underdeveloped health systems, increasing the substantial challenges of disease prevention and control. Control focuses on management of Aedes, although these efforts have typically had limited effectiveness in preventing outbreaks. New prevention and control efforts are needed to counter the potential consequences of climate change on the geographic range and incidence of dengue, including novel methods of vector control and dengue vaccines.
MODULE 5 RESOURCE GUIDE | This guide is part of a series of manuals that focuses on six topics in Early Childhood Development (ECD): different programming approaches, basic concepts, assessments, early childhood environments, children with special needs and child protection, and the health, safety a...nd nutrition of young children. The series was prepared within a three-year CRS-led project called “Strengthening the Capacity of Women Religious in Early Childhood Development,” or “SCORE ECD.” Funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the project helps Catholic sisters in Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia in their work with children aged 0-5 years and their families. The project is being implemented from January 2014 to December 2016
This new Policy aims at ensuring that evidence-based, highimpact nutrition interventions are developed and implemented at scale. The Policy will be implemented in line with the overarching National Development Strategy, which considers nutrition as one of the priority area under the social developme...nt thematic area.
The Policy is aligned with the Scaling Up Nutrition movement, global declarations and commitments, which Malawi is signatory such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the World Health Assembly targets. The Government of Malawi is indebted to all the people and institutions that were involved in reviewing the Policy. Special appreciation goes to the World Bank, Canadian International Development Agency, United States Agency for International Development – through the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project, and the United Nations organisations for their financial and technical support.
The Capacity Project worked to strengthen HRIS in several low-resource countries to assist decision-makers and human resources managers in identifying and responding to critical gaps in HRH. The findings and recommendations in this report cover the Capacity Project’s implementation of HRIS in Swaz...iland, Rwanda and Uganda.
The EU Facility has a total budget of €6 billion for humanitarian and development actions: €3 billion for 2016-2017 and €3 billion for 2018-20191. Both tranches combined, all operational funds have been committed, €4.7 billion contracted and more than €3.4 billion disbursed. The operationa...l funds for the Facility for 2016-2017 have also been fully contracted2, out of which €2.59 billion has been disbursed. For 2018-2019, €1.76 billion has been contracted, out of which more than €900 million disbursed.
To provide quality maternal and newborn health services at health facilities in India.
This guide is strongly practice -oriented and intended as an open resource when replicating similar methods of psychosocial care in other projects. It describes the steps in the development of our pilot project
"Low threshold psychosocial support for refugees and asylum seekers’ in... Germany ", from the initial idea of the project to its practical implementation. It is to be understood as apractical report for transferring the working methods of MSF from project countries to the German context. A particular focus is the training and working methods of psychosocial peer counsellors. They are at the heart of our approach to low-
threshold psychosocial care
9th edition; 4th English edition 2020
First edition, 2019. This MTEF Process Guide is developed to assist Community Health Committees, Health Facility Management Teams, Sub-County and County Health Management Teams, and National Departments by guiding them tounderstand and practice MTEF process. It will also help in aligning ...and harmonizing the planning, budgeting and reviewing processes.T
2006-2008 programme report
Including new recommendations for the use of ORS and zinc Supplementation for Clinic-Based Healthcare Workers
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Accessed: 15.04.2019
Ce guide sera particulièrement utile pour les gestionnaires de programme qui concoivent, gèrent et évaluent les systèmes logistique pour les programmes de santé. En outre, décideurs, intervenants du système et toute personne travaillant dans la logistique trouveront dans ce guide une utile a...pproche globale du système. Les concepts et termes clés sont clairement définis et expliqués; le document comprend des informations détaillées sur la conception et la mise en œuvre de systèmes d’information, de la gestion logistique et des systèmes de contrôle d’inventaire. Aperçus de quantification; processus d’approvisionnement; stockage, transport et sélection des produits sont aussi inclus dans le document.