This Teacher’s Guide accompanies the WHO publication Management of wastes from health-care activities . It provides teaching materials and recommendations for a three day training course, designed mainly for managers of health-care establishments, public health professionals and policy makers
Despite its rich culture, great economic potential, high level of education and last but not least its sheer size – it is the largest state whose borders lie entirely within Europe and is 1.7 times the size of the Federal Republic of Germany – Ukraine seems far away in perception and awareness. ...Publications on recent dramatic events, such as the Ukraine conflict or the Crimea crisis, have done little to change this. In fact, the armed conflict in the eastern Ukrainian oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk, which has been ongoing since February 2014, is still a burdening feature of many political and economic difficulties destabilizing the country. News coverage of health issues in Ukraine has recently been dominated by highly critical reports on the handling of the Covid 19 pandemic. This pandemic exacerbated existing weaknesses in the Ukrainian health care system, but at least it did not create any new ones.
Ethical perspectives on a future vaccination program against COVID-19 in Germany
This guidance document sets out a methodology to identify and track financing to the WASH sector in a coherent and consistent manner across several countries. It is designed to help countries track financing to the WASH sector on a regular and comparable basis and analyse this information to support... evidence-based policy-making based on useful indicators.
What is Violence Against Women? Why does it happen? What does it have to do with development? What does Oxfam do to end violence against women? What does it mean to do that work with a transformative approach?
Available in: English, Arabic, French, Spanish:
Guidance on Implending Publi-Private Mix Approaches
En 2013, 289 000 femmes sont décédées pendant ou après une grossesse ou un accouchement, et 2,8 millions de nouveau-nés sont morts avant l’âge de 28 jours. La majorité de ces décès ont eu lieu dans des environnements limités en ressources et la plupart auraient pu être évités.L’acco...uchement est un processus complexe et il est essentiel de penser à fournir tout ce
qui est nécessaire pour garantir que la mère et le nouveau-né reçoivent les soins les plus sûrs possible. Les listes de contrôle sont des outils utiles pour organiser des processus aussi complexes et importants ; on les utilise depuis longtemps pour inciter les utilisateurs à se rappeler les tâches essentielles pour dispenser des soins plus sûrs et de meilleure qualité
dans divers contextes.
La liste OMS de contrôle pour la sécurité de l’accouchement a été élaborée comme un outil visant à améliorer la qualité des soins prodigués aux femmes qui mettent un enfant au monde
Training module on malaria control
The community-BFCI (c-BFCI) manual has been developed to facilitate training of CHVs and stakeholders providing nutrition sensitive services at community level. The manual covers a wide range of topics: basic nutrition, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, Breast Milk Substitutes Act, gro...wth monitoring and promotion, early childhood development and stimulation, household food and nutrition security and establishment of baby friendly communities.
Spiritual care has formed an integral part of palliative care since its inception. People with advanced illnesses, however, frequently report that their spiritual needs are not attended to by their medical care team. The present study examines and describes the impact of a spiritual care training pr...ogram on practice and cultural change in our Canadian hospice.