CARE International’s Personal Safety & Security Handbook has been developed to provide practical personal safety and security advice and guidance to all staff working in CARE offices and field sites throughout the world.
Each section has a detailed list of contents at the beginning and cut-ou...t tabs to allow fast access to topics. Symbols and easy referencing are used throughout the handbook to help you find what you need quickly.
…voices of persons with disabilities - Part 1
Understanding The UN Convention On The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities
Since the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, gender mainstreaming has become a widespread strategy for changing unequal social and institutional structures which discriminate against women and girls, with the goal of achieving gender equality. Much has changed for women since 1995:... they have become more visible as actors in society, economy and politics. Public awareness regarding their discrimination has increased. However, most societies remain based on patriarchy and male hegemony. Patriarchal structures and institutions cannot easily be changed and the struggle for gender equality is still far from being won.
The study on refugee economies shows that refugees and former refugees are contributing positively to Zambia’s economy in various ways and have the potential to contribute even further if legal and other obstacles are removed.
The study targeted mainly Congolese, Burundian, Somali, and Rwandan re...fugees as well as former refugees from Rwanda and Angola in urban areas and the two rural refugee settlements, Mayukwayukwa (Kaoma District/Western Province) and Meheba (Kaulumbila District/North-Western Province).
For Strengthening Mental Health In Cultural-Linguistic Communities Projects
The Active Learning Package is designed to provide methodology, substantive support and practical instruction for the training of health personnel in Health as Bridge for Peace issues.
Qualitative study from Zambia on barriers to and facilitators of life-long learning
Der Leitfaden für Asyl-Helferkreise bietet eine praxisorientierte Übersicht über die vielfältigen Aufgaben und möglichen Betätigungsfelder rund um die Flüchtlingshilfe im Landkreis Main-Spessart. Darüber hinaus bietet er viele wichtige Informationen um das Thema Flucht und Asyl im Allgemeine...n. Aktualisiert Nov. 2016