Временное руководство23 декабря 2020 г.
สื่อ “สาร” ให้เข้าถึง : คู่มือนักข่าวส าหรับการรายงานเกี่ยวกับการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศและการพัฒนาอย่า...งยั่งยืนในภูมิภาคเอเชียและแปซิฟิก
A new, free handbook, for journalists reporting climate change in Asia and the Pacific
It explores the essential aspects of climate change, including its injustices to vulnerable communities, especially women and girls and least developed countries, and provides examples of best practices and stories of hope unique to the region. It can be used as a resource for journalists to understand the science of climate change, as well as helping journalists to improve their reporting of the environmental, social, economic, political, technological and other angles of the story.
t aims to enable participants to:
know more about children’s reactions to distress
know what psychological first aid for children is and what it is not
understand the three action principles of ‘Look, Listen and Link’ in relation to children
have practised providing PFA t...o a child and caregiver in distress
have considered complex reactions and situations
be aware of the importance of self-care when helping others.
Procedures Manual - Medicines registration in Madagascar - 2016 version
Report Shows Egregious Attacks on Health Care by Syrian Government Have Devastated Aleppo’s Medical System
Mental health problem is one of the growing major public health issues in the Asia Pacific region. It contributes to the high number of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), morbidity and mortality in the region. It is expected that leading mental health problems will occur in the low-and middle-i...ncome countries (LMICs) and majority of the countries which comes under this category are in the Asia Pacific region. In addition, mental health problem hamper the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), particularly MDG 1, MDG 4 and MDG 5. The most common mental health problems in the region are depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, suicidal behaviour and substance abuse disorder. Several modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors were identified for the cause of these major mental health issues. Interventions, programmes and policies need to be designed in order to curb mental health problems at all levels.
Integration of mental health (MH) and HIV programs has the potential to significantly improve health outcomes for people living with HIV (PLHIV). This training package, which is comprised of a training-of-trainers manual, an accompanying presentation, and a standard operating procedure, was develope...d to support a pilot project for MH and HIV integration at the community level such that
health facilities, community-based organizations (CBOs), and traditional medical practitioners (TMPs) can collaborate to support MH screening and service provision for PLHIV in Zimbabwe
Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 Year 2014 about the Clinical Practice Guide for Physicians at Primary Health Care Facilities
HIV & AIDS Treatment in Practice No.202
With a focus on Pakistan and Nigeria’s most vulnerable communities, this report provides insight about the role that community push-back is playing in the transmission of the polio virus and how the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) can mitigate these social risks to reach every missed ch...ild.
The toolkit's purpose is to:
improve the primary health care response for older persons.
sensitize and educate primary health care workers about the specific needs of their older clients.
provide primary care health workers with a set of tools/instruments to assess older people's hea...lth.
raise awareness among primary care health workers of the accumulation of minor/major disabilities experienced by older people.
provide guidance on how to make primary health care management procedures more responsive to the needs of older people's needs.
offer direction on how to do environmental audits to test primary health care centres for their age-friendliness.
The toolkit comprises a number of instruments (evaluation forms, slides, figures, graphs, diagrams, scale tables, country guidelines, exam sheets, screening tools, cards, checklists, etc.) that can be used by primary health care workers to assess and address older persons' health. These resources are meant to supplement and not to replace local and national materials and guidelines
The goal of this addendum is to help management and staff
minimize the risk of TB transmission at facilities in resource limited settings in which a.) HIV-infected persons receive diagnosis, care, treatment,
and/or support, and b.) there is a high prevalence of HIV infection, both known
and... undiagnosed, in settings such as prisons, jails, other
detention centers, and drug rehabilitation centers.
Поэтому уже давно возникала мысль о том,что подробный комментарий по вопросам научных знаний и практическогоопыта, лежащих в основе политики ВОЗ по борьбе ...с туберкулезом, являлся бысущественным элементом технического сотрудничества ВОЗ с ее государствамичленами. Данная книга, написанная в форме вопросов и ответов, являетсяпервым шагом в этом направлении. Я надеюсь, что она станет доступной длявсех специалистов, участвующих в борьбе с туберкулезом, организаторов здравоохранения и администраторов, ответственных за формирование и выполнение национальных программ борьбы с туберкулезом, а также всех медицинскихработников, ежедневно решающих конкретные задачи борьбы с туберкулезомна местах.
Contact No 175 - October December 2001
J Glob Health Sci. 2020 Jun;2(1):e3. A group of enzootic and zoonotic protozoan infections, the leishmaniases constitute among the most severely neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and are found in all continents except Oceania. Representing the most common infectious diseases, NTDs comprise an open-...ended list of some 20 parasitic, bacterial, viral, protozoan and helminthic infections. Called “diseases of the poor,” because of their characteristic prevalence in poor populations regardless of a country's income status, they infect over one billion people in over 140 countries, with about 90% of the global burden in Africa. While NTDs do not contribute significantly to global deaths, they are debilitating and remain the most common infections among the poor worldwide, preventing them from escaping poverty by impacting livelihoods such as agriculture and livestock, and affecting cognitive, developmental and education outcomes.
Rreport of a WHO Consultative Meeting Kolkata India 2012