The COVID-19 HEalth caRe wOrkErs Study (HEROES): Regional Report from the Americas is a multicenter prospective cohort study to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of health care workers in 26 countries on four continents and how it is affected by several factors at interrelated levels: individual, family, occupational, and social. This brief report presents the evidence generated from the baseline survey of 11 participating countries in the Region of the Americas. Using validated scales, the findings show high rates of depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, and psychological distress in several countries of the Region. The spirit of the project is not only to generate quality scientific evidence on the mental health of health care workers, but also to help develop interventions (both individual and institutional) and policies to address the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health.
Glob Heart . 2020 Oct 13;15(1):69. doi: 10.5334/gh.891.
Emergencias 2021: 33: 42-58
Este libro de consulta tiene como objetivo detallar por qué la salud debe ser parte de los procesos de planificación urbana y territorial y cómo hacer que esto suceda. Reúne dos elementos vitales que necesitamos para construir ciudades habitables y un planeta habitable: 1) Procesos para guiar el... desarrollo de asentamientos humanos - en este documento denominado “planificación urbana y territorial”; y 2) Importancia de la salud humana, el bienestar y la equidad sanitaria en todos los niveles, desde el local al mundial, y desde la salud humana a la planetaria.
Este libro de consulta identifica una selección completa de recursos y herramientas existentes para apoyar la incorporación de la salud en la planeación urbana y territorial, incluidos marcos de promoción, puntos de entrada y orientación, así como herramientas y estudios de casos ilustrativos. No proporciona prescripciones para escenarios específicos; estos deben estar determinados por el contexto, las personas y los recursos disponibles.
The desired impact of the OH JPA is a world better able to prevent, predict, detect and
respond to health threats and improve the health of humans, animals, plants and the
environment while contributing to sustainable development. The OH JPA aims to work
towards this vision in the following way:
• Provide a framework for action and propose a set of activities the four organizations
can offer together to advance and sustainably scale up One Health.
• Provide upstream policy and legislative advice and technical assistance, to help
set national targets and priorities across the sectors for the development and
implementation of One Health legislation, initiatives and programmes.
• Take stock of existing cross-sectoral global and regional initiatives around One
Health, identify and advise on synergies and overlaps, and support coordination.
• Mobilize and make better use of resources across sectors, disciplines and
• The OH JPA is guided by a theory of change and makes use of One Health principles
to strengthen collaboration, communication, capacity building and coordination
El objetivo de esta nota conceptual y del marco que describe es la eliminación de un grupo de enfermedades transmisibles y los efectos negativos sobre la salud que generan que juntos crean una carga tangible en las personas afectadas, sus familias y comunidades, y en los sistemas de atención de sa...lud en toda la Región. Aunque no hay consenso sobre las mejores medidas que se deben usar para la salud de las personas y de acuerdo con la situación epidemiológica de un país, es habitual medir la carga de enfermedad mediante las tasas de enfermedad (incidencia, prevalencia, etc.), las tasas de mortalidad por enfermedad específica, las tasas de morbilidad y mortalidad comparativas, la distribución geográfica y los años de vida ajustados en función de la discapacidad (AVAD)…. Se analiza la situación epidemiológica actual, incluidos los datos sobre tasas de enfermedad o distribución geográfica para las enfermedades del cuadro 1. Hotez et al. (2008) fueron los primeros en examinar y comparar la carga de los AVAD en América Latina y el Caribe para las ETD, la infección por el VIH/sida, la malaria y la tuberculosis como era hace unos diez años atrás. Aunque la carga regional de tuberculosis, malaria y enfermedades infecciosas desatendidas (EID) es algo menor a la de hace diez años, se sigue perdiendo la posibilidad de trabajar (y de asistir a la escuela) debido a la enfermedad y muerte prematura o discapacidad, y la necesidad de acelerar los esfuerzos para eliminar las enfermedades es evidente en todas las comunidades en situación de vulnerabilidad.
O objetivo desta nota conceitual e a estrutura que essa descreve tratam da eliminação de um grupo de DT e abordam os efeitos negativos para a saúde que essas DT causam (as doenças constam da Tabela 1 abaixo), e que, juntos, criam uma carga tangível sobre os indivíduos afetados, suas famílias,... as comunidades e os sistemas de atenção de saúde por toda a Região.
It is impossible to address the many complex needs of respiratory virus surveillance with a single surveillance system. Multiple systems, investigations and studies must each be fit-for-purpose to specific priority surveillance objectives, and only together can they provide essential information to ...policy-makers. In essence, each surveillance approach fit together as “tiles in a mosaic” that provides a complete picture of respiratory viruses and the impact of associated illnesses and interventions at the country level. This mosaic framework demonstrates how surveillance approaches may be implemented as coordinated and collaborative systems, well-matched to specific priority objectives.
Strengthening rehabilitation in health emergency preparedness, response, and resilience: policy brief outlines the evidence for rehabilitation in emergencies and the need for greater preparedness of rehabilitation services. It shows how existing guidelines support the integration of rehabilitation i...n emergencies and sets out the steps that decision-makers can take to better integrate rehabilitation into health emergency preparedness and response.
Este documento de consenso brinda herramientas a los equipos de salud para acompañar modificaciones corporales vinculadas a procesos de construcción identitaria de niñeces y adolescencias trans, travestis y no binarias desde una mirada integral, basadas en la evidencia científica disponible, con...sensos internacionales y la experiencia de equipos locales que vienen trabajando en la temática. Cuenta con la revisión de integrantes de sociedades científicas y equipos de salud de diversas jurisdicciones del país.
Im Hinblick auf die Finanzierung von Gesundheit im Allgemeinen und von Kindergesundheit im Speziellen ist zunächst zu berücksichtigen, ob die Gelder aus öffentlichen oder privaten Quellen stammen. Denn daraus ergeben sich grundsätzliche Unterschiede. Da private Krankenversicherungen gewinnorient...iert handeln, sind sie daran interessiert, in ihren Versicherungssystemen vor allem von gesunden Menschen mit ausreichend finanziellen Mitteln zu profitieren. Dies führt oft dazu, dass ausgerechnet die Menschen, die eine Gesundheitsversorgung am nötigsten brauchen – nämlich arme und gesundheitlich beeinträchtigte Menschen – außen vor gelassen werden.
Through technical consultations with countries and partners, WHO has led the development of Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats Module 1: Planning for respiratory pathogen pandemics. Version 1.0. The Module, currently available as an advanced draft, builds on previous pandemic lessons a...nd guidance, and has the following new elements:
It presents an integrated and efficient respiratory pathogen pandemic planning approach covering both novel pathogens and those known to have pandemic potential;
It enables coherence in addressing pathogen-agnostic and pathogen-specific elements for better preparedness;
It gives an organizing framework including operational stages and triggers for escalation and de-escalation between pandemic preparedness and response periods;
It contextualizes 12 IHR (2005) core capacities within the five components of health emergency preparedness, response and resilience (HEPR), from the respiratory threats perspective; and
It describes the critical sectors for respiratory pathogen pandemic preparedness to trigger multisectoral collaboration.
WHO will finalize and publish this Module after a global technical meeting that will be held on 24-26 April 2023.
Terminology used to describe the transmission of pathogens through the air varies across scientific disciplines, organizations and the general public. While this has been the case for decades, during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the terms ‘airborne’, ‘airborne transmission’ a...nd ‘aerosol transmission’ were used in different ways by stakeholders in different scientific disciplines, which may have contributed to misleading information and confusion about how pathogens are transmitted in human populations.
This global technical consultation report brings together viewpoints from experts spanning a range of disciplines with the key objective of seeking consensus regarding the terminology used to describe the transmission of pathogens through the air that can potentially cause infection in humans.
This consultation aimed to identify terminology that could be understood and accepted by different technical disciplines. The agreed process was to develop a consensus document that could be endorsed by global agencies and entities. Despite the complex discussions and challenges, significant progress was made during the consultation process, particularly the consensus on a set of descriptors to describe how pathogens are transmitted through the air and the related modes of transmission. WHO recognizes the important areas where consensus was not achieved and will continue to address these areas in follow-up consultations.