World Humanitarian Data and Trends presents global- and country-level data-and-trend analysis about humanitarian
crises and assistance. Its purpose is to consolidate this information and present it in an accessible way, providing policymakers, researchers and humanitarian practitioners with an evid...ence base to support humanitarian policy decisions and provide context for operational decisions.
During the implementation of the National Strategic Plan 2009–2012 on HIV and AIDS, Rwanda has continued its progress towards universal access to HIV and AIDS services. The new HIV and AIDS National Strategic Plan July 2013–June 2018 (thereafter referred to as ‘the NSP’) presented here is se...t on pursuing the same objective, with inspiration from the global targets of “zero new HIV infections, zero HIV-related deaths and zero stigma and discrimination due to HIV”.
In many contexts, the safe delivery of health care services is challenged by the lack of respect for health care personnel who face insults, threats and violence. Consequences include the disruption of health services, high staff turnover in health facilities, high levels of stress impacting the qua...lity of the services and health care personnel being forced to flee. This manual intends to complement the existing training materials and is aimed at supporting staff in health care facilities to cope with stress and violent experiences, including how they can protect themselves by de-escalating potentially violent situations.
No publication year indicated
BMC Family Practice201415:165, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-15-165
Open Access
“TB is too often a death sentence for people with AIDS.
It does not have to be this way.”
-Nelson Mandela, International conference on HIV /AIDS, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2004
National Guidelines for HIV & AIDS Care and Treatment (5th Edition)
Stand 4/2022
Aktualisierung des Abschnitts „Hinweise zur Durchführung von Schutzimpfungen“ inkl. neuem Teil zu „Impfungen zum Schutz der reproduktiven Gesundheit, bei Kinderwunsch und während Schwanger - schaft und Stillzeit“
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book - 5
La santé mentale est importante mais il reste à l'échelle mondiale un long chemin à parcourir pour lui donner toute sa place. Il convient d'inverser de nombreuses tendances fâcheuses - les services et les soins de santé mentale trop souvent négligés, les violations des droits humains ou la d...iscrimination dont sont victimes les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux ou de handicaps psychosociaux.
Guía Clínica
Versión actualizada - 2010
Review Article: Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Science
Vitamin Deficiency and Tuberculosis: Need for Urgent Clinical Page 1- 6
Epidemiologisches Bulletin ; 4/2022