This document focuses on making recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of Chagas disease, an infection caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan agent of a systemic parasitic disease. Methodology: These clinical practice guidelines were prepared following the WHO handbook for guideline dev...elopment (5). A multidisciplinary development group was formed, comprised of thematic experts, epidemiologists, methodologists, and users. Since there were no existing guidelines that could be adapted, the guidelines were developed from scratch.
Following the publication of Guidelines on certification of elimination of human onchocerciasis in 2001 by the World Health Organization (WHO), these are the first evidence-based guidelines developed by NTD Department according to the international standards. They provide a set of recommendations would guide national programme managers in collaboration with their respective oversight committees on when to stop mass drug administration (MDA) and conduct post-treatment surveillance (PTS) activities for a minimum period of 3 to 5 year before confirming the interruption of transmission of Onchocerca volvulus parasite and hence its elimination. They also include steps to undertake for verification of elimination of transmission of the parasite in the whole endemic country by the International Verification Team (IVT) prior to the official acknowledgement by WHO Director General.
Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, and transmitted to humans by infected triatomine bugs, and less commonly by transfusion, organ transplant, from mother to infant, and in rare instances, by ingestion of contaminated food or... drink.1-4 The hematophagous triatomine vectors defecate during or immediately after feeding on a person. The parasite is present in large numbers in the feces of infected bugs, and enters the human body through the bite wound, or through the intact conjunctiva or other mucous membrane.
Vector-borne transmission occurs only in the Americas, where an estimated 8 to 10 million people have Chagas disease.5 Historically, transmission occurred largely in rural areas in Latin America, where houses built of mud brick are vulnerable to colonization by the triatomine vectors.4 In such areas, Chagas disease usually is acquired in childhood. In the last several decades, successful vector control programs have substantially decreased transmission rates in much of Latin America, and large-scale migration has brought infected individuals to cities both within and outside of Latin America.
Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, and transmitted to humans by infected triatomine bugs, and less commonly by transfusion, organ transplant, from mother to infant, and in rare instances, by ingestion of contaminated food or drink.1-4 The... hematophagous triatomine vectors defecate during or immediately after feeding on a person. The parasite is present in large numbers in the feces of infected bugs, and enters the human body through the bite wound, or through the intact conjunctiva or other mucous membrane.
The Updated guidelines on Management of tuberculosis in children and adolescents include new recommendations that cover diagnostic approaches for TB, shorter treatment for children with non-severe drug-susceptible TB, a new option for the treatment of TB meningitis, the use of bedaquiline and delama...nid in young children with multidrug- and rifampicin-resistant TB and decentralized and family-centred, integrated models of care for TB case detection and prevention in children and adolescents.
While the world was gripped by the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, children continued to face the same crisis they have for decades: intolerably high mortality rates and vastly inequitable chances at life. In total, more than 5.0 million children under age 5, including 2.4 million newborns, with 2.2 million children and youth aged 5 to 24 years – 43 per cent of whom are adolescents – died in 2020. This tragic and massive loss of life, most of which was due to preventable or treatable causes, is a stark reminder of the urgent need to end preventable deaths of children and young people.
En consonancia con el tema general de "la salud universal y la pandemia: sistemas de salud resilientes", se pone de relieve la respuesta de la OPS a la pandemia de COVID-19, así como sus esfuerzos continuos en esferas prioritarias como las enfermedades transmisibles, las enfermedades no, la salud mental, la salud a lo largo del curso de vida y las emergencias de salud. También se presenta un resumen financiero del ejercicio examinado.
The State of the world’s nursing 2020 report provides the latest, most up-to-date evidence on and policy options for the global nursing workforce. It also presents a compelling case for considerable – yet feasible – investment in nursing education, jobs, and leadership.
The primary chapters... of the report outline the role and contributions of nurses with respect to the WHO “triple billion” targets; the health labour market and workforce policy levers to address the challenges to nurses working to their full potential; the findings from analysis of National Health Workforce Account (NHWA) data from 191 Member States and progress in relation to the projected shortfall of nurses by 2030; and forward-looking policy options for an agenda to strengthen the nursing workforce to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, improve health for all, and strengthen the primary health care workforce on our journey towards universal health coverage.
Estimating the size of key affected populations (KAP) provides important data for planning and implementing an effective response to the HIV epidemic. In the Philippines, these KAP include males who have sex with males (MSM), female sex workers (FSW), and injecting drug users (IDU). Given the diffic...ulty in reaching these populations, as well as their high mobility, the process consequently entailed a specific methodology to directly estimate the size of KAP.
The national estimate of MSM was 531,500 or 2.2% (1.8%-3.2%) of males aged 15-49. Within this MSM estimate, figures for transgender women (TGW) and male transactional sex workers (MSW) were determined. The national estimate for TGW was 122,800 or about 0.50% (0.40%-0.75%) of males aged 15-49, and 23% of the MSM population. Meanwhile, MSW comprised 0.35% (0.29%-0.53%) of the male population aged 15-49 and 16% of the MSM population, giving a best estimate of 86,600.
The estimate of combined RFSW and FFSW was 66,100 or 0.28% (0.19%-0.40%) of females aged 15-49. Meanwhile, there are approximately 10,000 to 21,700 IDU or 0.04%-0.09% of males aged 15-49.
Epidemiological Update
7 February 2020
Situation summary
In the Region of the Americas, between epidemiological week (EW) 1 and EW 521 of 2019, a total of 3,139,335 cases of dengue have been reported (321.58 cases per 100,000 population), including 1,538 deaths. Of the total cases, 1,367,...353 (43.6%) were laboratory-confirmed and 28,169 (0.9%) were classified as severe dengue. The case-fatality rate was 0.049%.
The power of the Global Drug Policy Index lies in its key objective: to score and
rank how countries are faring in different areas of drug policy as identified in the
UN report ‘What we have learned over the last ten years: A summary of knowledge
acquired and produced by the UN system on drug-r...elated matters’,1 and derived
from the landmark UN System Common Position on Drug
This document provides an overview of key considerations for the provision of the HIV continuum of care in the context of displaced people from Ukraine in the EU/EEA. This document has two aims: firstly, to outline what is known of the Ukrainian HIV epidemic, and secondly, to use the HIV continuum o...f care as a framework to set out suggestions based on published evidence and expert opinion on the management of the HIV continuum of care, with special consideration for people living with HIV from Ukraine. The document will also address the needs of those at risk of acquiring HIV. The main findings of this document were presented during an ECDC webinar, ‘Key considerations on the continuum of HIV care for refugees from Ukraine,’ hosted on 19 May 2022.
sobre la base de las orientaciones actuales de la OMS, 31 de mayo de 2021. Memorando
This aide-mémoire presents information on use and procurement of masks for community outreach interventions, with a focus on those for malaria, neglected tropical diseases, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and vaccine-preve...ntable diseases. It details requirements for the different types of professionals involved (e.g. health workers, social mobilizers, data collectors, logisticians, insecticide spraying personnel, etc.), based on their level of risk of potential exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
La sífilis es una infección curable de carácter sistémico causada por una bacteria llamada
Treponema pallidum. Se transmite por vía sexual y también durante el embarazo, de la persona gestante al feto, a través de la placenta (sífilis congénita) y en menor medida en el canal de parto. Dado... que la sífilis causa úlceras genitales, aumenta la probabilidad
de infección y transmisión del VIH.
This paper poses two applications of Catholic social teaching’s concepts of subsidiarity and participation to academic community engagement. The first pertains to the very general use of the term community. The second refers to a distinction between reciprocity and collaboration.
Health facilities in the Region of the Americas frequently suffer the effects of health emergencies and disasters, which jeopardize their ability to provide services to the population. The STAR-H methodology helps staff responsible for health emergency and disaster risk management to identify and as...sess risks as part of strategic planning to improve facility preparedness. It is intended to help them develop, with a multi-hazard approach, a response framework with operating procedures to deal with hazards of any type, scale, or frequency; determine roles and responsibilities; facilitate the effective use of resources; undertake strategic planning exercises, and improve the preparedness of facilities to effectively respond to and recover from impacts. This methodology is designed for use in health facilities of any size and capacity, and makes it possible to generate historical reports and national or subnational risk profiles. This information can be used to develop an effective health emergency and disaster risk management program.
O pacote de treinamento de Nível Básico é desenvolvido para dar suporte ao treinamento da equipe de atendimento ou dos voluntários para fornecer uma cadeira de rodas manual e almofadas apropriados para meninas, meninos, mulheres e homens que possuem mobilidade reduzida, mas que podem sentar eret...os sem suporte adicional para a
postura. O objetivo da Apostila do Participante é desenvolver as habilidades e conhecimentos das pessoas envolvidas na prestação de serviços para cadeira de rodas. A Apostila do Participante contém exercícios que ajudarão a testar e desenvolver o conhecimento e as habilidades do participante. A Apostila do Participante contém material das palestras, apresentações de slides e do manual de referência. O participante deve manter sua cópia da apostila consigo para consultas futuras, se necessário.
2a edicion.
El objetivo principal del Atlas es dar seguimiento y reportar el grado de avance y desarrollo de los cuidados paliativos en Latinoamérica.
El Atlas de Cuidados Paliativos en Latinoamérica, y en especial esta segunda edición, demuestra diferencias importantes en el desarrollo de pr...ogramas y sin duda será muy útil para tanto los líderes paliativos como para los líderes sanitarios, permitirá la adopción de conductas más exitosas que ayuden a desarrollar cuidados paliativos en Latinoamérica y ayudará a unificar futuros criterios para los cuidados paliativos primarios, secundarios y terciarios.
Las olas de transmisión de la fiebre amarilla ocurridas en la Región de las Américas entre el 2016 y el 2018 causaron el mayor número de casos humanos y epizoóticos registrados en varios decenios. La fiebre amarilla es una enfermedad hemorrágica viral grave que representa un desafío para el p...rofesional de salud: exige el reconocimiento temprano de signos y síntomas muchas veces inespecíficos, que pueden parecerse a otros síndromes febriles agudos. La detección temprana de los casos sospechosos o confirmados, el monitoreo de los signos vitales y las medidas de soporte vital, y el tratamiento de la insuficiencia hepática aguda siguen siendo las estrategias recomendadas para el manejo de los casos. El presente informe es el resultado de las deliberaciones sobre la experiencia de expertos de la Región en cuanto al manejo clínico de pacientes con fiebre amarilla, especialmente en brotes y epidemias, mediante la contextualización de esa experiencia en el conjunto actual de la evidencia médico-científica y la consideración de las directrices técnicas ya disponibles en los países de la Región. Presenta flujogramas para la evaluación inicial del paciente con sospecha clínica de fiebre amarilla y sugiere un conjunto mínimo de pruebas de laboratorio que puede ser útil cuando hay pocos recursos; además, detalla aspectos de la organización de los sistemas de salud para enfrentar brotes y epidemias de fiebre amarilla.
Estas Pranchas para o diagnóstico microscópico da malária servem como guia para laboratoristas e técnicos de campo responsáveis por diagnóstico microscópico da malária pelo método de Giemsa. Também devem ser úteis para professores e alunos de disciplinas correlatas. As pranchas mostram fo...tomicrografias coloridas de lâminas de sangue (esfregaços e gotas espessas), coradas, e texto explicativo sobre as quatro espécies de parasitos causadores da malária humana e sua morfologia. São fornecidas descrições completas de cada espécie, bem como instruções sobre o preparo de lâminas e esfregaços, o uso de soluções tampão, o método de coloração Giemsa, o exame das lâminas e procedimentos para estimar a densidade parasitária. Nada será adicionado sobre knowlesi e simium? Acho importante até para que as pessoas saibam com o que se parecem. Também são descritos outros elementos celulares observados no sangue, bem como vários contaminantes comuns que podem ser confundidos com parasitos da malária.