Cinquième Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Bénin (EDSB-V) 2017-2018
Enquête Démographique et de Santé 2017-2018 Rapport de synthèse, Bénin
PQDx 0197-045-00 WHO
March /2016, version 2.0
Рекомендации с позиций общественного здравоохранения
Пересмотренное издание
Программа по ВИЧ/СПИДу
Overwhelming evidence shows that a range of health concerns—mental illness, substance dependence, HIV/AIDS, and noncommunicable diseases—affect prisoners disproportionately. But, while incarceration poses risks to health—including inadequate nutrition and exposure to violence—prisons also pr...esent important opportunities to promote health and risk reduction that need to be tapped.
Some recommended remedies:
Health ministries, not ministries of justice, should manage health care responsibilities
Ensure that testing is available, but not mandatory, for infectious diseases
Make prison health part of the broader public health agenda
The report provides an overview of the disaster risk reduction and management in Nepal, a country under threat of multiple natural hazards: earthquakes, floods, landslides, fires, storms, the epidemics, and others. It presents background information on the country, its disaster profile, its legal an...d institutional framework, the country's achievements in regards to the Hyogo Framework for Action, and looks at the challenges and future steps in the area of disaster management in Nepal.