Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV
Joseph M Rey
Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Journal of Clinical Medicine
journal of Global health
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
K. Grant
K. Khalid, A.Wharton-Smith, et al.
K. Munir
K. O’Loughlin
K. Sorsdahl
Kamala Achu, Kathy Al Jubah, Svein Brodtkorb, Philippe Chervin, Peter Coleridge, Mike Davies, Sunil Deepak, Kenneth Eklindh, Ann Goerdt, Cindy Greer, Karen Heinicke-Motsch, Derek Hooper, Venus B Ilagan, Natalie Jessup, Chapal Khasnabis, Diane Mulligan, Barbara Murray, Alana Officer, Francesca Ortali, Bob Ransom, Aline Robert, Sue Stubbs, Maya Thomas, Venkatesh Balakrishna et Roselyn Wabuge-Mwangi.
Karen Vilholth
Karin Griese, Alena mehlau
Katie Hayes, G. Blashki, J. Wiseman et al.
Kaz de Jong
Kelly Puent
Kenya Ministry of Health
Kessler, R.C., Aguilar-Gaxiola, S., Alonso, J., et al.
Background: Traumatic stress may arise from various incidents often leading to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The lifetime prevalence of PTSD is estimated at 1% – 2% in Western Europe, 6% – 9% in North America and at just over 10% in countries exposed to long-term
violence. In South, the lifetime prevalence for PTSD in the general population is estimated at 2.3%.
Aim: To examine the prevalence of posttraumatic stress symptomatology and related psychological functioning in a community sample of adolescents.
Setting: Low-socioeconomic communities in KwaZulu-Natal.more
This manual focuses on the availability and clinical use of oxygen therapy in children in health facilities by providing the practical aspects for health workers, biomedical engineers, and administrators. It addresses the need for appropriate detection of hypoxaemia, use of pulse oximetry, clinical ...use of oxygen and delivery systems and monitoring of patients on oxygen therapy.more
Valerie Karr et al.Institute for Community Inclusion at University of Massachusetts
The purpose of the situation assessment was to execute a situation analysis for Autism and Neurodevelopment Disorder (NDD) in Bangladesh. The situation assessment covers the following areas: a review of the scale and prevalence of NDD with trends of the disorder in the recent past in Bangladesh (see... page 17); estimation of likely disease burden in the near future (see page 27); assessment of the social response to NDD in Bangladesh (see page 67); overview of the support and services required by persons with NDD (see page 79); an inventory of service providers working with NDD in Bangladesh (see page 85); an assessment of the adequacy of the existing services and support available for addressing NDD in country (see page 97); an overview of the role and preparedness of MOHFW and other stakeholders in addressing NDD in Bangladesh (see page 108); recommendations for monitoring, supervision and reporting mechanisms for NDD services at the national level (see page 167); and recommended key activities that should be undertaken by the Health and other relevant ministries in the short and medium term (see page 167). more
This study complements the growing amount of research on the psychosocial impact of war on chil-dren in Sierra Leone by examining local perceptions of child mental health, formal and informal care systems, help-seeking behaviour and stigma
Yoder et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2016) 10:48 DOI 10.11...86/s13033-016-0080-8more
The key updates include: content update in various sections based on new evidence; design changes for enhanced usability; a streamlined and simplified clinical assessment that includes an algorithm for follow-up; inclusion of two new modules
- Essential Care and Practice that includes general guid...elines and Iminterventions and implementation module to support the proposed interventions by necessary infrastructure and resources; and, revised modules for Psychoses, Child and Adolescent Mental and Behavioural Disorders and Disorders due to Substance Usemore
Save the Children in Albania is establishing and strengthening structures and mechanisms which monitor and advocate for children’s rights, promote ways to protect children from all forms of exploitation and violence and also empower and support children and their representatives to meaningfully ad...vocate for implementation of their rights and influence decisions that bring about changes in their future lives.more
Обобщены результаты региональных исследований распространенности болезни Паркинсона (БП) и заболеваемости ею в России; выявлены основные факторы, определяющие к...чество оценок эпидемиологических показателей болезни. Источниками для обзора послужили 19 оригинальных работ по эпидемиологии паркинсонизма и болезни Паркинсона в России, опубликованные в период 2005–2015 гг. more
Rehabilitation wird zunehmend als notwendiger Aspekt der medizinischen Hilfe und patientenorientierten Versorgung anerkannt, wie ihre Aufnahme in die Klassifikation und Mindeststandards für ausländischen medizinischen Teams bei plötzlich auftreten...den Katastrophen zeigt (1). Dieses Dokument, das Erste seiner Art, legt die Standards für die Rehabilitation eindeutig fest und enthält Leitlinien für den Aufbau bzw. die Stärkung der Leistungsfähigkeit von Medizinischen Notfall Teams in diesem Bereich.more
Background: Understanding the natural course of child and adolescent posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has significant implications for the identification of, and intervention for, at-risk youth. We used a meta-analytic approach to examine longitudinal changes in youth PTSD prevalence and symptom...s over the first 12 months posttrauma.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry57:8 (2016), pp 884–898
Q8.SCOPING QUESTION: In adults and older adolescents with depressive disorder, what is the comparative effectiveness of different formats of psychological treatments?
Special Issue: Special Education in Sub-Saharan Africa | This special issue of our Communication*Support*World*Network*Newsletter attempts to share practical ideas and information about special education for children with disabilities in sub-Saharan Africa. Our intent is to begin a dialogue among th...ose interested in this important topic, and to promote an increased exchange of ideas, approaches, information, resources, and promising practices.
A Joint Position Statement of the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM) and the Indian
Association of Palliative Care (IAPC)
Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine September 2014 Vol 18 Issue 9
Le module de formation de niveau intermédiaire vise à soutenir la formation de personnel ou de volontaires, afin de fournir un fauteuil roulant manuel et un coussin appropriés aux filles, garçons, femmes et hommes qui nécessitent un soutien postural supplémentaire pour être en
mesure de se t...enir assis droit.more