Background: Several studies have demonstrated that South African children and adolescents are
exposed to high levels of violent trauma with a significant proportion developing PTSD, however,
limited resources make it difficult to accurately identify traumatized children.
Conclusions: Our result...s indicate that trauma exposure and PTSD are prevalent in South African
youth and if appropriate cut-offs are used, self-report scales may be useful screening tools for
Annals of General Psychiatry 2005, 4:2doi:10.1186/1744-859X-4-2
To provide information on trends on official development assistance (ODA) disbursement patterns for
reproductive health activities in 18 conflict-affected countries
Asbestos, the most frequent cause of occupational cancer, continues to be consumed ona massive scale, with millions of people exposed on a daily basis. This review explains why we havefailed in curtailing the silent epidemic of asbestos-related disease and why the numbers of asbestosvictims are to remain high. Emerging and developed countries have to be reminded that asbestosexposure has yet to become a problem of the past. The worldwide spread of asbestos, followed by thesurge of asbestos-related cancers, resembles the lung cancer epidemic caused by smoking andstimulated by manufacturers.
Staying safe in spite of a disaster. What can you do for your safety in the event of a disaster?
In spring 2013, after weeks of rain, whole areas of southern, eastern and northern Germany were beset by catastrophic floods. Settlements vanished in th...e floods up to the roofs of the houses, tens of thousands of emergency personnel and volunteers struggled against the water with sandbags. Villages and parts of towns had to be evacuated, and the citizens were only able to take the essentials with them.
Disasters are part of life. Almost every day, we can read about disasters and largescale emergencies in a variety of media and see the images of destruction and suffering. These are not just major disasters which affect large areas for a long time. Local torrential rain, a severe storm, an electric power breakdown resulting from such a storm, or a house fire can trigger a very personal disaster for each individual, each family, which has to be overcome. Take the time to contemplate your personal emergency planning.
This brochure aims to help you to develop your personal preparedness plan.
The brochure is also available in different languages:ürenfaltblätter/Ratgeber_node.html
Combatting the rising global threat of AMR through a One Health Approach
Health care and social service systems are facing exceptional demands at this time. Evidence is emerging that the COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately impacting low-income neighborhoods, communities of color, immigrant and other economically and medically vulnerable patients. These are the patien...ts and communities Community Health Workers (CHWs) are best prepared
to serve. This workforce is defined by their connection to these populations and by their ability to communicate in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways.
These guidelines for the prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases are a critical ingredient for streamlining care across the entire health services provision continuum. They are a strategic component in achieving universal health coverage, securing affordable care and improving the livelihood of all Kenyans which in turn will guarantee a healthy nation working towards sustainable development and prosperity.These guidelines bring to the fore the need for availability of skilled human resource, sustained adequate funding and partnership building at all levels of governance. It provides clear roles for health workers at the different levels of our devolved system which will ensure a harmonized referral system with basic cardiovascular diseases treatment services available closest to the people while decongesting the county and national referral facilities.