Pharmaceutical profile of DRC
L’étude a pour objectif général de faire une analyse de la santé communautaire au Burkina Faso et spécifiquement de : 1) décrire la nature et le processus de développement des SBC; 2) déterminer les forces et les faiblesses des documents d’orientation des SBC; 3) documenter les bonnes pr...atiques en santé communautaire, et 4) formuler des recommandations pour améliorer l’offre des SBC.
En 2023, la nouvelle stratégie de Coopération de l’OMS avec le Niger 2023-2027 a été lancée, assortie d’un plan d’investissement. En outre, l’OMS a soutenu plusieurs initiatives majeures du pays, comme le lancement effectif de la Stratégie nationale de la Couverture Sanitaire Universel...le (CSU) 2023-2030, la mise à jour de la Stratégie nationale de financement de la santé, la mise en œuvre de la stratégie Triage, Évaluation et Traitement des Urgences pédiatriques (TETU) dans plusieurs régions. De nombreuses actions ont aussi été menées dans d’autres domaines, comme la riposte apportée à l’épidémie de diphtérie, le soutien continu à la vaccination de routine, l’appui au maintien de la chaine du froid pour les vaccins (menacée par l’interruption de la fourniture d’énergie), etc.
28 May 2021
Contact tracing is a key component of a public health response to infectious disease outbreaks. The purpose of this guidance is to reinforce the place of community engagement and participation in the contact tracing process. The guidance and related products articulate best practice pri...nciples for community engagement and how they can be operationalized as part of any community-centred contact tracing strategy. The material provided can stand on its own or be used to complement other documents that support strategies, implementation plans or training and capacity building modules.
Cette Boîte à images fait partie du projet de « Promotion des services d’appui
juridique à la lutte contre le VIH/sida dans les villes de Cotonou, Porto-Novo, Abomey
Calavi et Ouidah au sud Bénin », mis en oeuvre par l’Association Béninoise de Droit
du Développement (ABDD).
La boîte... à images a été présentée sous forme d’avant-projet lors d’un atelier qui s’est
déroulé les 18 et 19 février 2016 à Ouidah. Les contributions au projet de boîte à
images des participants ont été incorporées dans la version finale.
Refugees and migrants face similar health threats from COVID-19 as their host populations. However, inadequate access to essential services and exclusion may makes early detection, testing, diagnosis, contact tracing and seeking care for COVID-19 difficult for refugees and migrants thus increasing t...he risk of outbreaks in these population and presenting an additional threat to public health. This document offers guidance to Member States and partners for the inclusion of refugees and migrants, as part of holistic efforts to respond to COVID-19 epidemics in the general populations.
17 April 2020
Minimum standards of home care for older people in Red Cross Red Crescent volunteer-based programming in the Europe Zone
A manual for health care providers.
This manual provides expert guidance on the laboratory techniques and procedures used in the diagnosis of Buruli ulcer, a disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans. Aimed at laboratory technicians and scientists working on this disease, the manual details the exac...t procedures to follow when performing a range of diagnostic tests. Recommended procedures, intended for use throughout the health system, are presented at levels appropriate for peripheral, district and central services and in accordance with the varying resources, skills and equipment typically found in countries where Buruli ulcer is endemic.
IAEA Safety Standards for protecting people and the environment
This course is based on the Manual on Safety in Administering Medicines for Neglected Tropical Diseases which provides practical tools, training modules and jobs aids to further improve the planning, preparation, and monitoring of safe administration of NTD medicines.
These guidelines provide new and updated recommendations on the use of point-of-care testing in children under 18 months of age and point-of-care tests to monitor treatment in people living with HIV; the treatment monitoring algorithm; and timing of antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people living w...ith HIV who are being treated for tuberculosis.
New recommendations launched today outline key new actions that countries can take to improve the delivery of HIV testing, treatment and care services by providing greater options for differentiated approaches such as, supporting HIV treatment start in the community, ensuring that children are diagnosed and treated early, and that viral load treatment monitoring is more accessible, focused and triggers clinical action
Humanity & Inclusion has published a report on November 20, on the difficulties children with disabilities face in accessing education in the world’s poorest countries.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 80 (2019) 10–15
journal homepage:
A Summary
Accessed: 23.11.2019
Inter-Agency Task Team on HIV and Young People
Guidance Brief
Accessed: 09.11.2019
Tokar et al. Health Research Policy and Systems (2019) 17:23