Over the ages, human societies have altered local ecosystems and modified regional climates. Today the human influence has attained a global scale. This reflects the recent rapid increase in population size, energy consumption, intensity of land use, international trade and travel, and other human a...ctivities. These global changes have heightened awareness that the long-term good health of populations depends on the continued stability of biosphere's ecological, physical and socioeconomic systems.
The world's climate system is an integral part of the complex of life-supporting processes. Like other large systems, the global climate system is coming under pressure from human activities.
This book seeks to describe the context and process of global climate change, its actual or likely impacts on health, and how human societies and their governments should respond with particular focus on the health sector.
Trachoma is one of the 17 WHO-defined Neglected Tropical Diseases
(NTDs) that affect over 1 billion of the world’s poorest and most
marginalized people. It is caused by the bacterium chlamydia trachomatis.
Training in monitoring and epidemiological assessment of mass drug administration for eliminating lymphatic filariasis: learners’ guide. World Health Organization.
La réalisation, par le Ministère de la Santé avec l’appui de l’OMS, de la cartographie des systèmes d’approvisionnement et de distribution des médicaments et autres produits de santé en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) répond à la nécessité d’évaluer la pertinence et la co...hérence de l’organisation actuelle en termes d'efficacité, de durabilité, et d’accessibilité aux populations.
Fort de cela, le Burkina Faso a élaboré ce document de stratégie nationale de promotion de la santé (SNPS) pour contribuer à relever les
défis en matière de développement. Son élaboration a suivi un processus participatif, en s'inspirant du guide méthodologique d’élaboration
des polit...iques sectorielles du Burkina Faso[2]. Ils’articule autour des principaux points suivants :
- la mission du secteur de la santé et rappel de la politique nationale de santé ;
- l’analyse de la situation de la promotion de la santé ;
- la vision, les fondements, et les principes directeurs ;
- les objectifs globaux et les orientations stratégiques ;
- les programmes;
- le financement de la stratégie nationale de promotion de la santé ;
- les mécanismes de mise en œuvre, de suivi et d’évaluation.
Single TB and HIV Concept Note Albania 2016-2018 27 April 2015
Locate, test, treat and retain (L2TR) Ghana campaign. 90-90-90 ending the AIDS epedemic by 2030
The infectious disease burden in India is among the highest in the world. A large amount of antibiot-ics are consumed in fighting infections, some of them saving lives, but every use adding to antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Antibiotic use is increasing steadily (table 1), particularly ... certain antibiotic classes (beta-lactam antibacterials), most notably in the more prosperous states. Resistance follows in lock-step.
This mapping of community experiences for the defense of the right to adequate housing in situations of risk of eviction or eviction in progress brings together practices and strategies used by families, collectives and community organizations that have different origins and interests in the region,... and also those on other continents.
People on the move – migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and other displaced populations – face extraordinary risks to their lives, safety, dignity, human rights and well-being.
In part this is connected to the core reasons that lead to migration and displacement, ranging from violence, persec...ution, conflict, poverty, political and social issues, as well as disasters and the adverse effects of climate change. In 2021, we are seeing the compounding factors of the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis driving higher numbers of people to migrate, exacerbating risks and vulnerabilities.
Worldwide, there are about 17 million deaths due to cardiovascular disease (CVD) each year and at least two or three times as many non-fatal events. Raised cholesterol greatly increases the risks of stroke and heart disease, causing a large
health burden across the world. The World Health Organizat...ion has identified control of cholesterol as part of a Total Risk Approach to the prevention of CVD as a public health priority.