British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research
11(4): 1-6, 2016, Article no.BJMMR.21444
ISSN: 2231-0614, NLM ID: 101570965
Published 27th September 2015
British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research
11(4): 1-6, 2016, Article no.BJMMR.21444
ISSN: 2231-0614, NLM ID: 101570965
Published 27th September 2015
However, very little is known about the trend of the quality of life over
time in untreated PLWHA compared to treated patients.
Exploring quality of life trends in treated and untreated
patients will help the health care system develop adapted
strategies to better manage the PLWHA in low-income
This study aimed to assess the quality of life of persons
living with HIV in Burkina Faso, in their routine followup and its change over time.
Bull World Health Organ 2020;98:773–780
Universal health coverage (UHC) depends on a strong primary health-care
system. To be successful, primary health care must be expanded at community and household levels as much of the world’s population still lacks access to health facilities for basic... services. Abundant evidence shows that community-based interventions are effective for improving health-care utilization and outcomes when integrated with facility-based services. Community involvement is the cornerstone of local, equitable and integrated primary health care.
Depuis plus de trois décennies, le Bénin a souscrit à l’approche des soins de santé primaires
telle que définie à la conférence d’Alma-Ata (1978) et renforcée par l’Initiative de Bamako
(1987). Le pays a mis en oeuvre diverses expériences de soins de santé au niveau
communautaire ...avec l’appui des Partenaires Techniques et Financiers (PTF) et la
participation des Organisations Non Gouvernementales (ONG) et les Organisations
Communautaires de Base (OCB). Celles-ci ont contribué à l’amélioration de l’offre des
services de santé, malgré l’absence d’une politique coordonnée devant servir de cadre
institutionnel à la santé communautaire.
A l’étape actuelle du processus de mise en oeuvre de diverses expériences pilotes d’actions
communautaires, le Ministère de la Santé s’est engagé dans une réflexion visant l’élaboration
d’une politique nationale de santé communautaire. Celle-ci devra servir à encadrer la mise à
l’échelle des interventions communautaires qui ont démontré leur efficacité et leur impact
sur les populations cibles. Cette réflexion a entraîné la tenue du forum national sur la santé
communautaire en Novembre 2013 à Cotonou.
Le document de Politique de Santé Communautaire s’arrime au Plan National de
Développement Sanitaire à travers lequel le Bénin ambitionne de « disposer en 2025 d’un
système de santé performant basé sur des initiatives publiques et privées, individuelles et
collectives, pour l’offre et la disponibilité permanente de soins de qualité, équitable et
accessible aux populations de toutes catégories, fondées sur les valeurs de solidarité et de
partage du risque pour répondre à l’ensemble des besoins de santé du peuple béninois » Dans
le présent document, il est défini une vision, des priorités et des stratégies pour les dix
prochaines années en santé communautaire. La principale innovation réside dans la
conception et la mise en place au niveau de chaque village et quartier de ville de la
composante locale du système national de santé (CoLoSS) en partenariat avec toutes les
parties prenantes. Le document précise les conditions requises et les mesures
d’accompagnement pour la réussite de la nouvelle politique dans le sens de l’autonomisation
(empowerment) progressive des populations.
Le trouble anxiété de séparation (TAS) représente environ la moitié de l’ensemble des troubles anxieux
(Cartwright-Harton et al, 2006). La plupart des troubles anxieux pédiatriques
présentent les mêmes critères diagnostics que chez l’adulte à l’exception du TAS,
actuellement class...é dans le DSM et la CIM au sein des troubles habituellement
diagnostiqués dans la prime enfance, l’enfance ou l’adolescence (Krain et al, 2007).
Kenya has great potential for enhancing education for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The fact that it has recognized the need to care for learners with special needs is commendable. In comparison to many African countries, Kenya and Nigeria are ahead in developing programs for special e...ducation in institutions of higher learning, and in starting schools and units for special education. However, a legal mandate is still required as it would seal many loopholes that currently exist. Without it, the assessment of individual with intellectual disabilities cannot be administered correctly and professionally. In this article, the authors present a coherent account on various aspects related to learners with intellectual disabilities in Kenya. No doubt, the issues and challenges identified call for attention by not only the government of Kenya but also those interested in improving the status of learners with intellectual disabilities.
Kit de ferramentas de avaliação e melhoria da qualidade e dos direitos humanos em serviços de saúde mental e de assistência social.
Kit de ferramentas de avaliação e melhoria da qualidade e dos direitos humanos em serviços
de saúde mental e de assistência social
The results of in-country database and reports analysis
This study highlights the challenges and areas in need of improvement as perceived by CHWs and beneficiaries, in regards to a nationwide scale-up of CHW interventions in a resource-challenged country. Identifying and understanding these barriers, and addressing them accordingly, particularly within ...the context of performance-based financing, will serve to strengthen the current CHW system and provide key guidance for the continuing evolution of the CHW system in Rwanda.
The Kabeho Mwana project (2006–2011) supported the Rwanda Ministry of Health (MOH) in scaling up integrated community case management (iCCM) of childhood illness in 6 of Rwanda’s 30 districts. The project trained and equipped community health workers (CHWs) according to national guidelines. In p...roject districts, Kabeho Mwana staff also trained CHWs to conduct household-level health promotion and established supervision and reporting mechanisms through CHW peer support groups (PSGs) and quality improvement systems. The iCCM model implemented by Kabeho Mwana resulted in greater improvements in care-seeking than those seen in the rest of the country. Intensive monitoring, collaborative supervision, community mobilization, and CHW PSGs contributed to this success. The PSGs were a unique contribution of the project, playing a critical role in improving care-seeking in project districts. Effective implementation of iCCM should therefore include CHW management and social support mechanisms. Finally, re-analysis of national survey data improved evaluation findings by providing impact estimates.
nt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2014, 11(12), 13097-13116;
Climate change will increase the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events and create risks that will impact health care facilities. Health care facilities will need to assess climate chang...e risks and adopt adaptive management strategies to be resilient, but guidance tools are lacking. In this study, a toolkit was developed for health care facility officials to assess the resiliency of their facility to climate change impacts. A mixed methods approach was used to develop climate change resiliency indicators to inform the development of the toolkit. The toolkit consists of a checklist for officials who work in areas of emergency management, facilities management and health care services and supply chain management, a facilitator’s guide for administering the checklist, and a resource guidebook to inform adaptation. Six health care facilities representing three provinces in Canada piloted the checklist. Senior level officials with expertise in the aforementioned areas were invited to review the checklist, provide feedback during qualitative interviews and review the final toolkit at a stakeholder workshop. The toolkit helps health care facility officials identify gaps in climate change preparedness, direct allocation of adaptation resources and inform strategic planning to increase resiliency to climate change.
Annuaire des Statistiques Sanitaires
PLOS Medicine |
January 2013 | Volume 10 | Issue 1 | e1001371
HIV infection, due to the immunosuppressant that leads, nowadays constitutes an aggravating factor of endemic tuberculosis. Tuberculosis remains a huge burden to human health, even in the early 21st century. The situation is deteriorating in many countries, particularly because of the synergy with t...he HIV epidemic and the emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug resistant (XDR) tuberculosis. The urgent development of new tools that can improve the diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment of tuberculosis and other major mycobacterium diseases depends largely on the progress of basic and applied research. Faced with this situation, there is an urgent need for effective strategies and actions to permanently solve the problem of this endemic disease whose impact is too negative on people’s lives.
PLoS Med 10(1): e1001366.
Published: January 8, 2013