A WHO-ITU Standard.
Nearly 50% of people aged 12-35 years – or 1.1 billion young people – are at risk of hearing loss due to prolonged and excessive exposure to loud sounds, including music they listen to through personal audio devices. Ahead of World Hearing Day (3 March), the World Health Org...anization (WHO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) have issued a new international standard for the manufacture and use of these devices, which include smartphones and audio players, to make them safer for listening
Crisis Group’s Watch List identifies ten countries or regions at risk of deadly conflict or escalation thereof in 2021. In these places, early action, driven or supported by the EU and its member states, could enhance prospects for peace and stability.
Crisis Group’s early-warning Watch List id...entifies up to ten countries and regions at risk of conflict or escalation of violence. In these situations, early action, driven or supported by the EU and its member states, could generate stronger prospects for peace. The Watch List 2021 includes an Introduction, detailed conflict analyses and EU-targeted recommendations on Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Iran & the Gulf, Libya, Mexico & Central America, Nagorno-Karabakh, Somalia, Thailand and Venezuela.
these guidelines are updated on 16 February 2021
Please check the new guideline here
Mugisha et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2017) 11:7 DOI 10.1186/s13033-016-0114-2
Glob Ment Health (Camb). 2015; 2: e12. Published online 2015 Jul 14. doi: 10.1017/gmh.2015.10
Low and middle income countries (LMICs) are facing an increase of the impact of mental health problems while confronted with limited resources and limited access to mental health care, known as the ‘me...ntal health gap’. One strategy to reduce the mental health gap would be to utilize the internet to provide more widely-distributed and low cost mental health care. We undertook this systematic review to investigate the effectiveness and efficacy of online interventions in LMICs.
Gurejeet al. BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:242
DOI 10.1186/s12913-015-0911-3
This document has been developed to provide training and guidance on how to integrate a human rights approach in mental health and related areas, based on international human rights instruments, in particular the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
The aim of the WHO QualityRights tool kit is to support countries in assessing and
improving the quality and human rights of their mental health and social care facilities.
The tool kit is based on an extensive international review by people with mental disabilities
and their organizations. It ha...s been pilot-tested in low-, middle- and high-income
countries and is designed to be applied in all of these resource settings.
In this tool kit, the term ‘people with mental disabilities’ can include those with mental,
neurological or intellectual impairments and those with substance use disorders.
Data on the essential building blocks of mental health systems, including mental health
governance, financing, service delivery, human resources and information, are reported. For
mental health planning, it is important to know not only the level of resources in these six areas,
but also how thos...e resources are being organized and utilized. Thus, data on efficiency, access,
equity, linkages with other sectors and respect for human rights are reported as well.
On Sunday 16th December 2018, some villages in the Province of Mai-Nambiar, Democratic Republic of Congo, neighboring the district of Makotimpoko in the Republic of Congo (CongoBrazzaville) were affected by inter-ethnic conflict between the Banunu and the Batende. The fighting has resulted in 400 fa...talities and the destruction of property. A large number of the population of the conflict affected areas were forced to cross the river Congo and find refuge in several localities in the Cuvette (Konda and Youmba) and Plateaux (Makotimpoko, Bouemba, Patrick) areas in Congo-Brazzaville.
This article identifies the three core defining characteristics of healing environments for children and young people who have been exposed to chronic adversity and trauma. A large body of evidence highlights the pervasive and devastating developmental impacts of such exposure but there is also emer...ging evidence about the elements of living and learning environments that foster recovery and resilience. The Three Pillars framework has been developed to inform and empower those who live with or work with these young people but who are not necessarily engaged in formal therapy.
African Evaluation Journal
ISSN: (Online) 2306-5133, (Print) 2310-4988
Background: For some years, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society have
become increasingly involved in the fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa. But even
though their role is well appreciated, the...ir actions are perceived as ineffective because of a lack
of monitoring and evaluation capacity.
Objective: This paper aims to describe local HIV/AIDS NGOs’ involvement in evaluation and
the characteristics of this involvement.
The report and an accompanying series of studies show the global uptake of the World Health Organization (WHO) Surgical Safety Checklist in its first ten years since its launch and recommend ways the Checklist can be more effectively used to improve surgical safety for millions at risk.
The report ...found that uptake has been remarkably positive: the Checklist has been adopted in almost 90% of operating rooms in countries with a high Human Development Index (HDI), a country-level measure of health, education, and standard of living. It was referenced by at least 139 (70%) of the world's countries and is included as a national standard by the health ministries of at least 20 countries. The Checklist has also had beneficial qualitative impact, introducing a culture of safety and improved communication within surgical teams, increasing patient trust, and improving job satisfaction.
Accessed on 28.01.2020
Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre d’approches spécifiques à la nutrition telles que les pratiques ANJE pour lutter contre la sous-nutrition, le renforcement de la santé communautaire et du rôle des relais communautaire est essentiel. Si de nombreux projets ont été ...développés en intégrant les relais communautaires comme partenaires d’exécution, un manque d’harmonisation est constaté entre les organisations, notamment lié à une absence de statut des relais.
L’étude a pour objectif d’évaluer le fonctionnement des relais communautaires à travers la revue des politiques de santé communautaire et à partir d’études de cas dans le cadre des activités de prévention de la malnutrition aigüe, au Burkina Faso, Mali et Sénégal. 12 projets portés par 9 ONG ont été retenus, et 8 ont fait l’objet d’une analyse qualitative. Au total, 13 villages ou quartiers urbains ont été visités, couvrant plus de 130 relais communautaires, une quinzaine d’agents de santé et une centaine de représentants de la communauté.
Le Ministère de la Santé et de l’Action sociale a créé une Cellule de Santé Communautaire (CSC) rattachée à la Direction Générale de la Santé pour impulser, organiser et coordonner la santé communautaire. Un document de Politique de santé communautaire a également été élaboré pour... servir de cadre de référence et d’outil de régulation et d’orientation des initiatives communautaires. Un Plan Stratégique National de Santé Communautaire (PSNSC) opérationnalise la Politique de santé communautaire et fixe les priorités du secteur dans les cinq prochaines années (2014 – 2018).