The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone, including key populations at higher risk of HIV. And the gains made against other infectious diseases, including HIV, are at risk of being reversed as a result of disruptions caused by COVID-19. This is the background to a new report published by FHI 360,... in collaboration with UNAIDS, which gives advice on how to minimize the impacts of COVID-19 on key populations.
Infection prevention and control (IPC) practices are of critical importance in protecting the function of healthcare services at all levels and mitigating the impact on vulnerable populations. Although the management of possible COVID-19 cases is usually guided by national policies for specific heal...thcare facilities, community transmission is currently widespread in most EU/EEA countries and the UK, therefore primary healthcare providers in the community such as GPs, dentists and pharmacists are at risk of being exposed to COVID-19.
Talking About Corona-19
in English and Vietnamese
Informations for Kids
Infection preventions
Practical considerations and recommendations for religious leaders and faith-based communities in the context of COVID-19
Religious leaders, faith...-based organizations, and faith communities can play a major role in saving lives and reducing illness related to COVID-19.1 They are a primary source of support, comfort, guidance, and direct health care and social service, for the communities they serve. Religious leaders of faith-based organizations and communities of faith can share health information to protect their own members and wider communities, which may be more likely to be accepted than from other sources. They can provide pastoral and spiritual support during public health emergencies and other health challenges and can advocate for the needs of vulnerable populations.
This page describes ten immediate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) actions that low-resource healthcare facilities can undertake with limited budget in the near-term (0-3 months) to prepare for and address COVID-19. On the second page, WHO and UNICEF have provided input on how to best adapt thei...r Eight Practical Steps in the midst of COVID-19. Finally, we have compiled resources for action. While some activities may be temporary stopgaps, the goal is to provide incremental improvements that can be sustained and built upon after the outbreak subsides. In particular, the proper management of WASH will be critical to protect healthcare workers and prevent infections.
Este documento fornece orientações aos Estados-Membros da União Africana sobre considerações fundamentais em matéria de saúde mental e apoio psicossocial (MHPSS) em relação à pandemia de coronavírus de 2019 (COVID-19). Contém orientações úteis sobre o MHPSS para a comunidade, profissi...onais de saúde, prestadores de cuidados de saúde a populações vulneráveis e pessoas em quarentena, isolamento ou centros de tratamento(1)
(2). Estas orientações têm como objectivo proporcionar medidas práticas para reduzir o stress, a ansiedade, o estigma e as perturbações psicológicas associadas à COVID-19 e melhorar a saúde mental e o bem-estar em geral. Estas orientações podem ser utilizadas para fins de planeamento por decisores políticos e ministérios de
saúde e instituições que coordenam a resposta de emergência à resposta da COVID-19 por parte dos Estados-Membros. Pode também ser divulgada às partes interessadas.
Religion, belief and culture should be recognized as potential sources of moral purpose and personal strength in healthcare, enhancing the welfare of both clinicians and patients.
Ethics and communication skills| Volume 44, ISSUE 10, P589-592, October 01, 2016
Despite the increasing population of refugees stuck in protracted situations and our awareness of the vulnerability of children and adolescents growing in up these contexts, relatively little is known about community based child protection mechanisms (CBCPMs) in refugee communities. CBCPMs, defined ...broadly, include all groups or networks that respond to and prevent problems of child protection and vulnerable children. These mechanisms may include family supports, peer group supports, and community groups such as primary and secondary schools, non-formal education and vocational training structures, women’s groups, religious groups, and youth groups, as well as traditional community processes, government mechanisms, and mechanisms initiated by international or domestic non-governmental organisations (NGOs). In diverse contexts, CBCPMs represent front-line, day-to-day efforts to protect children from exploitation, abuse, violence, and neglect and to promote children’s well being. This study, together with a parallel study conducted among the urban refugee population in Uganda, is the first study of CBCPMs undertaken in refugee settings.
This guide contains recommendations for health and safety practices and approaches to COVID-19 prevention, based on materials developed by many organisations.
La presente guía contiene recomendaciones sobre prácticas y estrategias en materia de salud y seguridad para la prevención de la COVID-19, basadas en materiales desarrollados por muchas organizaciones de todo el mundo.
The education sector forms an important part of the child protection response in refugee settings, and UNHCR’s Education Strategy (2012-16) reflects a focus on refugee education as a core component of UNHCR’s protection mandate. The right to education for all children also forms part of the Unit...ed Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. UNHCR’s Education Strategy promotes the importance of schools as safe learning environments, emphasises improving access to quality education for refugee children and maximises the protective benefits of participation in school. It advocates for the integration of refugee children into national education systems.
The compendium provides guidance on low-cost handwashing facilities that can be widely used in low and middle-income countries. We hope that this can be shared extensively as governments and agencies tackle the crisis in low and middle-income countries where handwashing facilities are urgently neede...d in households, communities, schools and healthcare facilities.
The compendium includes information and further reading on: handwashing facilities – including facilities that are accessible for all, environmental cues to reinforce handwashing behaviours, physical distancing hygiene promotion.
En diciembre de 2019 se identificaron los primeros casos del nuevo coronavirus -COVID-19 a nivel global en Wuhan, China. El 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud -OMS declaró al COVID-19 como pandemia mundial. Si bien la enfermedad se extendió lentamente a los países de Amé Latina y el Caribe -ALC al principio, desde finales del mes de febrero el número de casos confirmados ha aumentado exponencialmente, acercándonos a 2,0 millones de casos confirmados y 124.667 muertos (al 19 de mayo de 2020).
Psychological first aid (PFA) is a method of helping people in distress so they feel calm and supported to cope better with their challenges. It is a way of assisting someone to manage their situation and make informed decisions. The basis of psychological first aid is caring about the person in dis...tress and showing empathy. It involves paying attention to reactions, active listening and, if needed, practical assistance, such as problem solving, help to access basic needs or referring to further options for assistance. PFA helps normalize worry and other emotions, PFA also promotes healthy coping and provides feelings of safety, calming, and hope.
As this report shows,
reports of child abuse and of children
witnessing violence between their
parents and caregivers have increased.
Ending violence against children is
increasingly within our reach. D
El informe se encamina a documentar si los gobiernos:
• tienen planes de acción, políticas y leyes nacionales en consonancia con aquellos cuya eficacia se ha comprobado en el contexto de INSPIRE;
• están contando los incidentes violentos mortales y no mortales con exactitud;
• han establ...ecido valores de partida y valores a alcanzar que les permitan monitorear su progreso hacia la erradicación de la violencia contra los niños;
La COVID-19 se ha propagado a los 54 países y territorios de las Américas. Para el 26 de mayo del 2020, los casos y las muertes en América Latina habían sobrepasado los de Europa y Estados Unidos en lo que se refiere al número diario de infecciones por coronavirus notificadas. Para junio, dos d...e los tres países con el mayor número de casos notificados se encontraban en las Américas, región que se ha convertido en el epicentro de la pandemia.
En este informe se expone una visión general de la respuesta de la OPS a la pandemia de COVID-19. Comienza en enero de 2020, cuando la OPS movilizó rápidamente sus expertos y despachó material de laboratorio para la detección molecular del virus hasta el 31 de mayo de