Mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks
www.plattformglobalegesundheit.deDie Deutsche Plattform für Globale Gesundheit (DPGG), ein Zusammenschluss von Gewerk-schaften, Nichtregierungsorganisationen und Wissenschaftler*innen, verfolgt das Ziel, die Bedeutung der gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen von Gesundheit und Krankheit stärker ... in die nationale und internationale Gesundheitsdebatte einzubringen. In der heutigen globa-lisierten Welt sind die wesentlichen Einflussfaktoren für Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit der Menschen nicht mehr allein auf nationaler Ebene steuer- und beeinflussbar. Es gilt aber auch: „Globale Gesundheit fängt zu Hause an“. Daher will die Plattform dazu beitragen, die Trennung zwischen nationaler und globaler Gesundheitspolitik zu überwinden.
Olashore et al.
Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health (2017) 11:8 DOI 10.1186/s13034-017-0144-9
SIGN 143. A national clinical guideline
Published May 2015, Revised 2018
SUI supporting material
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สื่อ “สาร” ให้เข้าถึง : คู่มือนักข่าวส าหรับการรายงานเกี่ยวกับการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศและการพัฒนาอย่า...งยั่งยืนในภูมิภาคเอเชียและแปซิฟิก
A new, free handbook, for journalists reporting climate change in Asia and the Pacific
It explores the essential aspects of climate change, including its injustices to vulnerable communities, especially women and girls and least developed countries, and provides examples of best practices and stories of hope unique to the region. It can be used as a resource for journalists to understand the science of climate change, as well as helping journalists to improve their reporting of the environmental, social, economic, political, technological and other angles of the story.
This updated Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2030 builds upon its predecessor and sets out clear actions for Member States, the WHO Secretariat and international, regional and national partners to promote mental health and well-being for all, to prevent mental health conditions for thos...e at-risk and to achieve universal coverage for mental health services. While the updated action plan includes new and updated indicators and implementation options, the original four major objectives remain unchanged: more effective leadership and governance for mental health; the provision of comprehensive, integrated mental health and social care services in community-based settings; implementation of strategies for promotion and prevention; and strengthened information systems, evidence and research.
In English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Russian available
PLoS Med. 2009 Oct;6(10):e1000159. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000159. Epub 2009 Oct 6.
Depression Research and Treatment
Volume 2012, Article ID 962860, 8 pages
299 deaths have been recorded and 329 people are still missing, according to the Government.
• Latest assessments indicate that the homes of some tens of thousands of people have been destroyed or damaged beyond habitability. Most of these people are staying with hosts in the extended community.
• Revised Flash Appeal requires US$294 million to respond to the drought and Cyclone Idai.
• Food Cluster partners have so far assisted an estimated 30,000 people in the worst-affected areas of Chimanimani and Chipinge.
• Access to a sufficient quantity of water for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene has been restored for 43,000 people.
• Eight clusters have been activated to bolster the humanitarian response effort in support to the Government of Zimbabwe,
NICE guideline
Published: 23 May 2017
PSY supporting material
• Person stories
• Case scenarios
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• Multiple choice questions
• Video links
NSW Health Disaster Mental Health, handbook 3
The Disaster Mental Health Manual and associated handbooks are intended as a resource for mental health staff who are seeking background information and practical guidance and resources to assist in a disaster mental health response.
The importance of growing up in a nurturing and supportive family environment cannot be underestimated. Raising children in a warm, loving environment sets them on a positive developmental trajectory for later life success (Biglan et al, 2012). Conversely, children raised in homes with inconsistent ...and harsh parenting or with high levels of conflict can be adversely impacted.
Introduction - Chapter A.12
Mental health problems represent the greatest global burden of disease among children and adolescents. There is, however, lack of policy development and implementation for child and adolescent mental health (CAMH), particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where children and adolescen...ts represent up to 50% of populations. South Africa, an upper-middle income country is often regarded as advanced in health and social policy-making and implementation in comparison to other LMICs. It is, however, not clear whether this is the case for CAMH.