EU Compass for Action on Mental Health and Well-being
Universal health coverage ensures everyone has access to the health services they need without suffering financial hardship as a result. In December 2012, a UN resolution was passed encouraging governments to move towards providing universal access to affordable and quality health care services. As ...countries move towards it, common challenges are emerging -- challenges to which research can help provide answers.
The training manual consists of: (i) Tools for communication, reassurance and comfort for staff working directly with distressed children; (ii) Advice and guidance for staff working with parents and primary care-givers; (iii) Suggestions for ways to support a distressed child. It provides a non-i...ntrusive skills set of communication and actions that can be used by staff working with survivors of distressing events. The training programme develops skills for providing physical and emotional comfort by modeling calmness and enables a constructive format through active listening that allows survivors to voice their concerns and needs. It also helps to connect survivors to practical assistance through referral networks and information on positive coping strategies.
The manuals are available in Englisch, French, Spanish, Arabic and German
Additional training aids download directly from the website.
The World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) is a generic assessment instrument developed by WHO to provide a standardized method for measuring health and disability across cultures. It was developed from a comprehensive set of International Classification of Functioning..., Disability and Health (ICF) items that are sufficiently reliable and sensitive to measure the difference made by a given intervention.
This guidance document provides basic broad principles for a spokesperson
of any health authority on how to respond to vocal vaccine deniers.
The suggestions are based on psychological research on persuasion,
on research in public health, communication studies and on WHO risk
communication guide...lines.
World Drug Report 2018
World Drug Report 2018
Other disorders Chapter H.1
Целью этой главы является представление ключевых элементов, касающихся терапевтического использования психотропных лекарственных средств у детей и подростков, ... также знакомство
клиницистов с общими принципами фармакотерапии психиатрических расстройств в период развития. Для более детального ознакомления со специфическими медикаментами мы рекомендуем читателям обратиться к соответствующим главам, посвященным конкретным расстройствам.
Chapter J.6
Trastornos de ansiedad
Capítulo F.5
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traductores: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle & Marcela Mezzatesta
Chapter J.4
The report is based on comprehensive information collected at representative sample health facilities all over the country by well-organized and trained teams during May and August 2015. This is a continuation of 2014 Assessment activities and findings also reflect comparison between two consecutive... years.
The CBDRR Manual is a practical ‘how-to’ guide on community-based disaster risk reduction for government and non-government agencies in Lao PDR. It is a commonly agreed document to be referred to by agencies working on CBDRR in Lao PDR. It provides guidance and support for systematic implementat...ion of CBDRR programs by explaining each of the steps as well as tools used.
The manual will also support the Government of Lao PDR (GoL) to monitor CBDRR activities, oversee progress of activities implemented by different actors and locations, provide necessary support on CBDRR technical knowledge as well as provide a reference point for replication of initiatives for local government and implementing agencies.
The publication aims to establish the rationale for inclusion and provides technical advice and tools for putting theory into practice. It is intended to be used as a reference during organizational and program/project development with a focus on gender responsiveness and disability inclusion as wel...l as a tool to support good practice in implementation.
This first part guides the reader through the process of assessing whether or not the organization is ready to change towards becoming a more inclusive organization. The second part introduces the ACAP framework, which sets up a way of approaching inclusion via focus on the areas: Access, Communication, Attitude and Participation. It then demonstrates how the framework can be applied to projects and programmes. The third part provides guidelines for the people who will guide organizations through the process of change towards becoming inclusive of persons from marginalized groups.
Civil Society Organisations’ contribution towards community engagement to access and demand health services and encourage communities to practice appropriate health-seeking behaviour in Mon and Chin States
The following report is a study of 14 villages under the Collective Voices project (Nov...ember 2015-December 2017) in the states of Mon and Chin. The objectives of the study were:
(1) to explore Village Health Committee (VHC) members, Basic Health Staff (BHS), and community members’ perceptions on community engagement in seeking and demanding health care and
(2) to describe health-seeking behaviours relating to Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health and hygiene practices among target beneficiaries.
The CBDRR Step-by-Step Methodology aims to guide the effective implementation of new community-based as well as school-based interventions implemented by MRCS as well as other DRR actors in Myanmar identifying key steps that need to be followed under each program as well as minimum activities for of the steps.
This handbook presents basic content and tips for implementing a school-based risk reduction programme. It is organised into five modules: its importance; approach and process; activities to benefit children up to five years old; activities for students aged 5–17; and activities for young people a...nd volunteers aged 17–24.
A generic framework for school-based risk reduction initiatives is illustrated in a diagram on p.10. The Comprehensive School Safety framework suggests a series of continuing activities that include: identifying the hazards in and around a school; conducting drills; preparing contingency and disaster management plans by involving parents, teachers and students; and building on the capacities of an institution and individuals to cope with the challenges during an unforeseen event. It also consists of three pillars: safe learning facilities; school disaster management; and risk reduction and resilience education.
This book contains the findings of technical reviews of eight transitional shelter designs. It is divided into sections:
- Section A discusses transitional shelter design briefs, includes a programming checklist and explains how the shelters in this book were reviewed.
- Section B contains... summary findings of the technical reviews for the eight shelters.
- Section C contains design details for foundations, walls and roofs.
- Annexes contain details of materials, a template design brief, conversion tables, a glossary, and references.