The document addresses the pressing issues of global malnutrition and the urgent need to build workforce capacity in public health nutrition, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. It highlights the dual burden of malnutrition, characterized by the coexistence of undernutrition and overnu...trition. While maternal and child undernutrition remain critical concerns, there is a growing prevalence of chronic diseases linked to overnutrition, even in resource-limited settings.
A significant gap exists in the availability of trained nutrition professionals. Many countries lack sufficient numbers of nutritionists, particularly at the undergraduate level, and existing training programs often focus on curative rather than preventive approaches. This leaves health workers inadequately prepared to address complex public health nutrition challenges.
To address these issues, the document recommends increasing the number of trained nutritionists, incorporating updated nutrition training into medical and nursing curricula, and developing competency frameworks and hybrid training programs. Accreditation systems for nutrition professionals are also proposed to ensure standardized and effective training.
Sustainability remains a challenge, with the need for long-term financing and better integration of nutrition programs into health systems. The document calls for systemic approaches to strengthen workforce capacity, enabling countries to effectively tackle the underlying causes of malnutrition.
The article from the African Journal of Thoracic and Critical Care Medicine provides updated guidelines on endoscopic lung volume reduction (ELVR) for treating advanced emphysema, a severe form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is prevalent in South Africa and other low- and mid...dle-income countries. The guidelines focus on identifying suitable patients based on specific criteria, such as age, lung function, and the presence of hyperinflation, while ruling out contraindications like pulmonary hypertension and recent smoking.
ELVR aims to reduce lung volume in the most damaged areas, improving breathing mechanics and quality of life. Various devices, including endobronchial valves, intrabronchial valves, and coils, are reviewed with evidence from clinical trials supporting their use. The guidelines emphasize careful patient selection and recommend only performing ELVR in specialized centers due to its high cost and risk of complications, such as pneumothorax.
The article "Cardiovascular Diseases" on Our World in Data provides an in-depth analysis of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), the leading cause of death globally. It examines CVD trends, such as the decline in mortality rates in high-income countries due to improved healthcare and lifestyle changes, wh...ile low- and middle-income countries experience rising CVD burdens. The article highlights major risk factors, including high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, and poor diet. It emphasizes the importance of preventive measures and access to treatment to reduce global disparities in CVD outcomes. The data-driven approach uses visualizations to illustrate the global impact and distribution of CVD.
Since the Alma Ata Declaration in 1978, community health volunteers (CHVs) have been at the forefront, providing health services, especially to underserved communities, in low-income countries. However, consolidation of CHVs position within formal health systems has proved to be complex and continue...s to challenge countries, as they devise strategies to strengthen primary healthcare. Malawi’s community health strategy, launched in 2017, is a novel attempt to harmonise the multiple health
service structures at the community level and strengthen service delivery through a team-based approach. The core community health team (CHT) consists of health surveillance assistants (HSAs), clinicians, environmental health officers and CHVs. This paper reviews Malawi’s strategy, with particular focus on the interface between HSAs, volunteers in community-based programmes and
the community health team. Our analysis identified key challenges that may impede the strategy’s implementation:
(1) inadequate training, imbalance of skill sets within CHTs and unclear job descriptions for CHVs; (2) proposed community-level interventions require expansion of pre-existing roles for most CHT members; and (3) district authorities may face challenges meeting financial obligations and filling community-level positions. For effective implementation, attention and further deliberation is needed on the appropriate forms of CHV support, CHT composition with possibilities of co-opting trained CHVs
from existing volunteer programmes into CHTs, review of CHT competencies and workload, strengthening coordination and communication across all community actors, and financing mechanisms. Policy support through the development of an addendum to the strategy, outlining opportunities for task-shifting between CHT members, CHVs’ expected duties and interactions with paid CHT personnel is recommended.
Community health workers (CHWs) play a vital role in facilitating social connectedness, building trust, decrease stigma, and link communities to essential healthcare and social support services. More studies are needed to understand the factors facilitating these interactions among CHWs, clients, an...d community members.
The paper presents interview data from Malawian government representatives, trade unionists, employers and people with disabilities from the country's largest cities Lilongwe and Blantyre. Findings relate to the gap between the discourse of employers and government officials and that of workers with... disabilities. Firstly, we find a policy-based assumption of a formalised workforce that is not representative of the predominantly informal disabled workforce. Secondly, the disruptive, intermittent and often reactive nature of non-governmental organisation (NGO) interventions can limit long-term inclusivity agendas and undermine the work of disabled activists in Malawi. Lastly, we present findings on the stigmatised nature of disability in these urban centres. We find that stigma is economic: Urban workers with disabilities are discriminated against locally by employers, landlords and banks on assumptions they will not produce or earn enough to meet productivity demands, rent or repayment costs.
People living with disabilities (PLWDs) have poor access to health services compared to people without disabilities. As a result, PLWDs do not benefit from some of the services provided at health facilities; therefore, new methods need to be developed to deliver these services where PLWDs reside. case study reports a household-based screening programme targeting PLWDs in a rural district in Malawi. Between March and November 2016, a household-based and integrated screening programme was conducted by community health workers, HIV testing counsellors and a clinic clerk. The programme provided integrated home-based screening for HIV, tuberculosis, hypertension and malnutrition for PLWDs. The programme was designed and implemented for a population of 37 000 people. A total of 449 PLWDs, with a median age of 26 years and about half of them women, were screened. Among the 404 PLWDs eligible for HIV testing, 399 (99%) agreed for HIV testing. Sixty-nine per cent of PLWDs tested for HIV had never previously been tested for HIV. Additionally, 14 patients self-reported to be HIV-positive and all but one were verified to be active in HIV care. A total of 192 of all eligible PLWDs above 18 years old were screened for hypertension, with 9% (n = 17) referred for further follow-up at the nearest facility. In addition, 274 and 371 PLWDs were screened for malnutrition and tuberculosis, respectively, with 6% (n = 18) of PLWDs referred for malnutrition, and 2% (n = 10) of PLWDs referred for tuberculosis testing. We successfully implemented an integrated home-based screening programme in rural Malawi.
Background: Disability is a complex concept involving physical impairment, activity limitation, and participation restriction. The
Washington Group developed a set of questions on six functional domains (seeing, hearing, walking, remembering, self-care, and
communicating) to allow collection of co...mparable data on disability. We aimed to improve understanding of prevalence and correlates of disability in this low-income setting in Malawi.
Introduction Pharmacovigilance (PV) systems to monitor drug and vaccine safety are often inadequate in sub-Saharan
Africa. In Malawi, a PV enhancement initiative was introduced to address major barriers to PV.
Objective The objective of this initiative was to improve reporting of adverse events (A...Es) by strengthening passive safety
surveillance via PV training and mentoring of local PV stakeholders and healthcare providers (HCPs) at their own healthcare
facilities (HCFs).
Methods An 18-month PV training and mentoring programme was implemented in collaboration with national stakeholders,
and in partnership with the Ministry of Health, GSK and PATH. Two-day training was provided to Expanded Programme on
Immunisation coordinators, identified as responsible for AE reporting, and four National Regulatory Authority representa-
tives. Abridged PV training and mentoring were provided regularly to HCPs. Support was given in upgrading the national
PV system. Key performance indicators included the number of AEs reported, transmission of AE forms, completeness of
reports, serious AEs reported and timeliness of recording into VigiFlow.
Results In 18 months, 443 HCPs at 61 HCFs were trained. The number of reported AEs increased from 22 (January 2000 to
October 2016) to 228 (November 2016 to May 2018), enabling Malawi to become a member of the World Health Organization
Programme for International Drug Monitoring. Most (98%) AE report forms contained mandatory information on reporter,
event, patient and product, but under 1% were transmitted to the national PV office within 48 h.
Conclusion Regular PV training and mentoring of HCPs were effective in enhancing passive safety surveillance in Malawi,
but the transmission of reports to the national PV centre requires further improvement.
Background: Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) cause a considerable burden of morbidity
and mortality in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). Access to safe, effective, quality-assured, and
affordable essential medicines is variable. We aimed to review the existing ...literature relating to the availability, cost,
and affordability of WHO’s essential medicines for asthma and COPD in LMICs.
Follow-up care is crucial but challenging for disease management particularly in rural areas with limited healthcare resources and clinical capacity, yet few studies have been conducted from the perspective of rural primary care physicians (PCPs). We assessed the frequency of follow-up care delivere...d by rural PCPs for hypertension and type 2 diabetes – the two most common long-term conditions.
Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death globally. India is home to the second-largest population suffering from diabetes. This underscores the need to build capacity of primary care physicians (PCPs) for better disease management. This narrative review article aims to describe the emergence o...f diabetes education and capacity-building programs for PCPs and its current situation in India. The review highlighted that major emphasis on diabetes was given only when the WHO estimated that morbidity and mortality due to diabetes would increase to 35% in India. As a result, National Diabetes Control Program was launched in 1987. Yet, very little attention was paid to diabetology in under-graduation. In the last decade, few public and private institutions have developed diabetes related capacity-building programs for PCPs independently or in collaborations. These programs include 16 fellowships, 4 diplomas, 12 certificate programs, and 6 other diabetes training programs, which have their own pros and cons. As medical science is changing rapidly, PCPs need to upgrade their skills and knowledge regularly to manage NCDs such as diabetes more effectively and efficiently. This can be possible only if scientific, evidence-based, and quality-oriented capacity-building programs are provided to the healthcare workforce.
The article "Time to Align: Development Cooperation for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases" argues for greater international cooperation and investment in addressing non-communicable diseases (NCDs), especially in low- and middle-income countries. Traditionally, global health fu...nding has focused on infectious diseases, but the growing burden of NCDs—such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes—necessitates new approaches to development assistance.
The article "The Rising Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases in the Americas and the Impact of Population Aging" examines how the aging population in the Americas is contributing to the growing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), despite improvements in disease prevention and health care. data from the World Health Organization and the United Nations, the study analyzes trends in population growth, aging, and NCD-related mortality and disability rates from 2000 to 2019 across 33 countries.
Eine Schwangerschaft ist eine Zeit im Leben, die mit vielen grundlegenden Veränderungsprozes-
sen und Herausforderungen einhergeht. Bürokratische Hürden und ein wenig übersichtliches
Hilfesystem erschweren Menschen mit Fluchterfahrung den Zugang zu relevanten Informationen
und medizinischen V...ersorgungsleistungen, die allen (werdenden) Eltern und Kindern in Deutsch-
land zugänglich sein sollten.
A systematic review of connections between climate change, globalization and NCD'S
A systematic review of connections between climate change, globalization and NCD'S
A systematic review of connections between climate change, globalization and NCD'S
This review examines high-quality research evidence that synthesises the efects of extreme heat on human health in tropical
Africa. Web of Science (WoS) was used to identify research articles on the efects extreme heat, humidity, Wet-bulb Globe
Temperature (WBGT), apparent temperature, wind, Heat ...Index, Humidex, Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI), heatwave, high temperature and hot climate on human health, human comfort, heat stress, heat rashes, and heat-related morbidity
and mortality
Despite progress in improving antiretroviral therapy (ART) for people with HIV in Malawi, the burden of HIV infections and HIV treatment outcomes among key populations is suboptimal. Client-centered differentiated service delivery approaches may facilitate addressing HIV prevention and treatment nee...ds of key populations in Malawi.
De-identified program data routinely collected as part of the LINKAGES project–Malawi were assembled from October 2017 to September 2019. HIV case finding was compared across different testing modalities for each population. Poisson regression was used to estimate the association between testing modalities and ART initiation.
Of the 18 397 people included in analyses, 10 627 (58%) were female sex workers (FSWs), 2219 (12%) were men who have sex with men (MSM), and 4970 (27%) were clients of FSWs. HIV case finding varied by modality and population, with index testing and enhanced peer outreach demonstrating high yield despite reaching relatively few individuals. FSWs who tested positive through risk network referral testing were more likely to initiate ART within 30 days compared with those who tested positive through clinic-based testing (adjusted risk ratio [aRR], 1.50; 95% CI, 1.23–1.82). For MSM, index testing (aRR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.06–2.00) and testing through a drop-in center (aRR, 1.82; 95% CI, 1.19–2.78) were associated with 30-day ART initiation.
These data suggest that differentiated HIV testing and outreach approaches tailored to the needs of different key populations may facilitate improved ART initiation in Malawi. Achieving 0 new infections by 2030 suggests the need to adapt treatment strategies given individual and structural barriers to treatment for key populations with HIV in high-prevalence settings.