In Numbers
2.1 million affected people, of which 894,000 are children.
1.4 million people require humanitarian assistance.
806,000 people severely food insecure.
1.4 million people in need of humanitarian assistance
100 percent of crops damaged
75 percent of the population affected in the hardest-hit areas
USD 5.6 million still needed to support 300 000 people
The guide summarizes an assessment of War Child Canada’s three-pronged legal protection model as implemented with South Sudanese refugees in Northern Uganda and uses it to identify the most important lessons for ensuring legal protection mechanisms are in place at the onset of an emergency
Globalization and Health201612:63; DOI: 10.1186/s12992-016-0195-3
The ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report (CDTR) is a weekly bulletin for epidemiologists and health professionals on active public health threats. This issue covers the period 5-11 November 2017 and includes updates on measles, rubella, chikungunya, West Nile virus, Plague, monkeypox,'s disease, influenza and Marburg virus disease.
La Lista OMS de verificación de la seguridad del parto es un instrumento destinada a mejorar la calidad de la atención provista a las mujeres y bebés durante el parto. Es una lista estructurada de prácticas esenciales de atención del parto con fundamento científico que se centra en las princip...ales causas de muerte materna, mortinatalidad y muerte neonatal que ocurren en instituciones de salud de todo el mundo. También se ha elaborado una guía de aplicación de la Lista OMS de verificación para ayudar a las instituciones a aplicarla con éxito
July 2018
This fourth edition of the Unitaid/WHO market and technology landscape: HIV rapid diagnostic tests for self-testing report summarizes the current HIV testing gap; the challenges facing efforts to scale up; and the potential role HIV self-testing (HIVST) could play to achieve the United... Nation’s 90-90-90 targets. In particular, the report synthesises the existing and emerging market demand and supply of kits.
The information in this report is intended for manufacturers, donors, national programmes, researchers and other global health stakeholders who are exploring the potential role of HIVST.
The BRM ATP is an advanced course in biorisk management. The 10-day train-the-trainer course introduces the concept of biorisk management, which combines risk assessment, risk mitigation, and performance systems (AMP). The course also includes a cutting-edge training component based on the latest sc...ience and theory behind accelerated and adult learning