Le CoPEH-Canada a généré une série de ressources d'enseignement pendant plus d'une décennie. Ces ressources ont commencé avec la production du Manuel d'enseignement CoPEH-Canada (2012), dédié à Bruce Hunter. Nos ressources de formation se sont élargies pour inclure en plus des modules, des... vidéos, et des enregistrements des Webalogues.
Globalization and Health (2021) 17:74 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-021-00722-3
Ambio 51, 9-12 (2022). This article belongs to Ambio’s 50th Anniversary Collection. Theme: Solutions-oriented research.
Open access book describing tools for engaging communities in resilience strategies
Based on practical experience from participatory positive futures visioning in nine Latin American and US cities
For students and professionals of different sectors including sustainability, engineering, ec...ology and urban planning
Mortality due to enteric infections is projected to increase because of global warming; however, the different temperature sensitivities of major enteric pathogens have not yet been considered in projections on a global scale. We aimed to project global temperature-attributable enteric infection mor...tality under various future scenarios of sociodemographic development and climate change.
The Lancet Planetary Health Volume 5, ISSUE 7, e436-e445, July 01, 2021
PNAS | March 4, 2014 | vol. 111 | no. 9
Malaria is an important disease that has a global distribution and significant health burden. The spatial limits of its distribution and seasonal activity are sensitive to climate factors, as well as the local capacity to control the disease. Malaria is also ...one of the few health outcomes that has been modeled by more than one research group and can therefore facilitate the first model intercomparison for health impacts under a future with climate change. We used bias-corrected temperature and rainfall simulations from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 climate models to compare the metrics of five statistical and dynamical malaria impact models for three future time periods (2030s, 2050s, and 2080s). We evaluated three malaria outcome metrics at global and regional levels: climate suitability, additional population at risk and additional person-months at risk across the model outputs. The malaria projections were based on five different global climate models, each run under four emission scenarios (Representative Concentration Pathways, RCPs) and a single population projection. We also investigated the modeling uncertainty associated with future projections of populations at risk for malaria owing to climate change. Our findings show an overall global net increase in climate suitability and a net increase in the population at risk, but with large uncertainties. The model outputs indicate a net increase in the annual person-months at risk when comparing from RCP2.6 to RCP8.5 from the 2050s to the 2080s. The malaria outcome metrics were highly sensitive to the choice of malaria impact model, especially over the epidemic fringes of the malaria distribution.
Constraints, Technologies, Policies and Processes
Briefing Note no. 80 November 2015
The Lab identifies, develops, and launches sustainable finance
instruments that can drive billions to a low-carbon economy. The
2019 Global Lab Cycle targets four specific sectors across
mitigation and adaptation: blue carbon in marine & coastal
ecosystems; sustainable agriculture for smallholde...rs in West and
Central Africa; sustainable energy access; and sustainable cities
The Arid and Semi-Arid lands (ASAL) constitute about 80% (467,200 sq. km) of Kenya’s total land mass and is grouped into geographical zones including the Savannah covering most of the North- eastern and South-eastern parts, the Coastal region, the North Rift Valley, the Highlands and the Lake Vict...oria Basin. The ASAL host about 35% of Kenyas population (13 million people) and over 60% of its inhabitants live below the poverty line, subsisting on less than one US dollar per day.
In 2009, WHO’s Second International Conference on Buruli Ulcer Control and Research resolved to strengthen the capacity of national laboratories to confirm cases of the disease, but advised that “efforts are still needed to develop simple diagnostic tools usable in the field as well as disabilit...y prevention methods”.
In 2013, WHO and the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics convened a meeting of Buruli ulcer experts in Geneva, Switzerland (9) at which two priority unmet needs in diagnosis were identified:
a diagnostic test for early detection of Buruli ulcer in symptomatic patients with sufficient positive predictive value to put patients on appropriate treatment; and
a screening test at the primary health care or community level for symptomatic patients with ulcer
this publication serves as a practical guide and useful resource for practitioners, farmers, scientists, and technicians to better understand the initiative undertaken by GGGI. In this compendium, GGGI provides the latest knowledge and capacity building materials on these topics and offers informati...on on the most relevant topics on technologies related to climate-smart agriculture and solar irrigation – both of which can be used as training materials.
Viele der derzeit in Deutschland lebenden Älteren mit Migrationsgeschichte sind im Zielland ihrer Migration unter spezifischen Bedingungen, die mit dem Migrations- und Integrationsprozess einhergehen können, älter geworden. Allerdings ist bislang wenig über diese Gruppe bekannt. Wie wirkt sich d...as biografische Ereignis „Migration“ auf die Lebensqualität, die sozioökonomische Situation und die Gesundheit im Alter aus? Welche Unterschiede gibt es zwischen der älteren Bevölkerung mit und ohne Migrationsgeschichte? Diese Research Note gibt einen Überblick über die einschlägige Forschungsliteratur. Sie beschreibt den Forschungsstand in ausgewählten Lebensbereichen und identifiziert Erkenntnislücken sowie zukünftige Forschungsfragen an der Schnittstelle Migration und Alter(n). Darüber hinaus wird die Lebenssituation älterer Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte nicht nur dargestellt, sondern auch zugrunde liegende Ursachen für mögliche Unterschiede in den Lebensverhältnissen im Vergleich zu Gleichaltrigen ohne Migrationsgeschichte skizziert.
This report presents the types of cluster munitions being used in the international armed conflict in Ukraine in 2022 and the civilian casualties immediately suffered and civilian objects damaged.
Saude mental relacoes raciais e Covid 19
This brochure draws on data from more than 90 nationally representative surveys making it the most up-to-date compilation of statistics on FGM/C. Available data show that the practice of FGM/C is highly concentrated in a swath of countries from the Atlantic coast to the Horn of Africa, in areas of t...he Middle East such as Iraq and Yemen and in some countries in Asia like Indonesia. However, FGM/C is a human rights issue that affects girls and women worldwide. Evidence suggests that FGM/C exists in some places in South America such as Colombia and elsewhere in the world including in India, Malaysia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
By 2050, nearly 1 in 3 births worldwide will occur in the
29 countries in Africa and the Middle East where FGM/C
is concentrated, and nearly 500 million more girls and
women will be living in these countries than there are today.
In Somalia alone, where FGM/C prevalence stands at 98
per cent, t...he number of girls and women will more than
double. In Mali, where prevalence is 89 per cent, the female
population will nearly triple.
Sozial benachteiligte, ethnisierte und rassifizierte Menschen sind häufiger von Infektionserkrankungen betroffen. Auch der Krankheitsverlauf ist bei ihnen oftmals schwerwiegender. Das liegt an vergleichsweise schlechten Wohn- und Arbeitsverhältnissen, dem eingeschränkten Zugang zu gesunder Ernäh...rung, Bewegung und Erholung.