Globally, there is increased advocacy for community-based health insurance (CBHI) schemes. Like other low and middle-income countries (LMICs), Tanzania officially established the Community Health Fund (CHF) in 2001 for rural areas; and Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA) for urban population since 2009. This study... investigated the implementation of TIKA scheme in urban districts of Tanzania.
Training Activities for Community Health Workers
The overall aim of the study was to understand the acceptability and usefulness of PHC clinical placements for nursing and midwifery students.
The growing challenges for people in low and middle-income countries to access new medicines.
Analysis 58
Public Health Factsheet
Accessed: 29.09.2019
Временное руководство
19 марта 2020 г.
Данный документ предоставляет временное руководство лабораториям и заинтересованным сторонам, участвующим в лабораторном ...естировании пациентов с вирусом COVID-19.
Документ частично основан на временном руководстве по лабораторному тестированию на коронавирус, вызывающий ближневосточный респираторный синдром (MERS).1-6 Информация о заражении человека вирусом COVID-19 постоянно обновляется, ВОЗ продолжает следить за развитием событий и по необходимости пересматривать рекомендации.
Immunization is one of the most cost-effective public health interventions to date, saving an estimated 2 to 3 million lives each year. As a direct result of immunization, the world is closer than ever to eradicating polio, and deaths from measles – a major child killer – have declined by 73 per... cent worldwide between 2000 and 2018, saving an estimated 23.2 million children’s lives. The emergence of COVID-19, however, threatens to reverse this progress by severely limiting access to life-saving vaccines.
This document shall serve as the most comprehensive set of guidelines on the safe management of waste generated from heath care activities in the country. It incorporates the requirements of all Philippine laws and regulations governing HCWM and is designed for the use of individuals, public and pri...vate establishments, and other entities involved in segregation, collection, handling, storage, treatment,and disposal of waste generated from heath care activities.
The target audience for this training course is non-clinicians such as Home Based Carers, Community Caregivers, Youth Care Workers, Peer educators, Community Health Workers etc. primarily those who will be providing adherence counselling to clients with HIV, TB, Hypertension and Diabetes. This group... of non-clinicians play a vital role in helping to reduce the workload of nursing staff. Amongst others, non- clinicians educate clients and provide emotional support in a manner that makes each client feel like they are receiving focused, individual attention. Non-clinicians are often in close contact with communities and, therefore, able to understand and play a role in alleviating health service barriers in the community.
Facility managers may also be part of the target audience in order to ensure that they understand the components of the minimum package of interventions to support linkage, adherence and retention in care.
Further, their attendance seeks to ensure that non-clinicians receive necessary assistance and support when they have to implement what they have learned back into their workplaces.
A summary of what we know
Nature Sustainability | VOL 2 | APRIL 2019 | 267–273 |
Le secteur de la santé et des soins constitue une source d’emploi considérable dans le monde, en particulier pour les femmes. Les personnels de santé et d’aide à la personne représentent environ 3,4 % de la population active mondiale, notamment quelque 10 % dans les pays à revenu élevé e...t un peu plus de 1 % dans les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire. Partout dans le monde, ce secteur est hautement féminisé – les femmes y représentent environ 67 % des travailleurs à l’échelle mondiale – et connaît un degré significatif de ségrégation professionnelle entre femmes et hommes. Cependant, la part des femmes dans la population active du secteur varie selon le degré de développement économique. Dans les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire, les femmes représentent 63,8 % de la population active du secteur, contre 75,3 % dans les pays à revenu élevé. Les estimations figurant dans le présent rapport montrent que le haut degré de féminisation du secteur est universel, à la fois au niveau des pays et des régions. Les pays où une plus grande part de femmes travaille dans le secteur n’ont pas nécessairement des dépenses plus élevées en matière de santé et de soins.
Annex of Environmental Health in Emergencies and Disaster; page 245 - 252
Information in Tables 1–4 summarizes the actions of the World Health Organization,
the International Atomic Energy Authority, other international organizations, and local
health authorities in response to a nuclear acci...dent, in compliance with the Convention
on Early Notification and the Assistance Convention.
Consultancy to take forward the International Health Partnership