Данный документ предназначен в первую очередь для работников здравоохранения. Поскольку социальные детерминанты нарушений психического здоровья и психосоциаль...ых проблем относятся ко многим различным секторам, каждый второй инструмент из предложенного набора охватывает вопросы оценки ОПЗПП, актуальные не только для здравоохранения, но и для других секторов. Настоящий документ призван помочь вам в сборе необходимой информации для того, чтобы оказывать более действенную поддержку людям, пострадавшим от гуманитарных кризисов.
Assessing mental health and psychosocial needs and resources: toolkit for humanitarian setting
Investing in Child Protection
Building Inclusive, Productive and Resilient Communities in Malawi
Le Manuel de formation psychosociale pour la Protection des enfants de Terre des hommes répond
aux besoins des programmes de protection de l’enfance menés par Terre des hommes et peut être utilisé
en parallèle à la publication précédente de Terre des hommes: Protection des enfants: manue...l d’intervention
en cas de crise humanitaire. Ce manuel de formation a été conçu pour le terrain afin de former le
personnel qui travaille directement ou indirectement avec les enfants.
Les modules de ce manuel ont été regroupés selon les catégories suivantes:
• Niveau 1: Animer une formation / un atelier
• Niveau 2: Concepts de base pour une intervention
• Niveau 3: Compétences des animateurs
Chaque module contient les rubriques suivantes:
• Qu’est-ce que c’est?
• A quoi ça sert?
• Comment l’utiliser?
The Terre des hommes Child Protection Psychosocial Training Manual has been developed for use in the field
in order to train animators who work with children and other child protection programme staff. It has
been written in response to the needs which exist in Terre des hommes child protection pr...ogrammes,
and should be used as a practical tool alongside the Child Protection: Manual for Intervention in Humanitarian
Crisis, previously produced by Terre des hommes.
The modules in this manual have been grouped according to the following categories:
• Level 1: Facilitating a training
• Level 2: Basic concepts for intervention
• Level 3: Animator’s competencies
Each module is laid out under the following headings:
• What is it?
• Why is it useful?
• How can I use it?
Women and girls are paying the price of the war in Yemen – Humanitarian actors must increase the priority given to women and girls’ needs, with specific attention to GBV prevention and response, and reproductive health services
Guiding framework for development cooperation, Working paper 2017.
This document was drawn up on the basis of expert publications and inputs from partners in the
GIZ regional programme Psychosocial Support for Syrian and Iraqi Refugees and Internally
Displaced People1 in order to serve as guidanc...e in the design, implementation and assessment of
psychosocial support measures for refugees in the context of the crises in Syria and Iraq. It is
aimed at actors from the MHPSS sector working with refugees in the Middle East and at ministries
and academic/scientific institutions in the context of the Syria and Iraq crises.
Communities can play a critical role in suicide prevention. Facilitating community engagement in suicide prevention is an important task. The toolkit is a step-by-step guide for communities to engage in suicide prevention activities and have ownership of the process and keep efforts sustained. It is... hoped that the pilot version will be used, after necessary adaptation, in many countries and contexts, so that the final product can be strengthened and become more effective and user-friendly.
Around the world, approximately 1 in 45 children are on the move – nearly 50 million boys and girls that have migrated across borders or been forcibly displaced within their own countries.1 Climate-related events
and their impacts are already contributing significantly to these staggering numbers...,with 14.7 million people facing new internal displacement as a result of weather-related disasters in 2015 alone. The annual average
since 2008 is higher still, at 21.5 million, equivalent to almost 2,500 people being displaced every single day.2
Guide for community-based management and care of people with dementia
Version 1.0
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Division of NCD and Health through the Life-Course
World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific
Bulletin de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé 2012;90:871-871A. doi: 10.2471/BLT.12.113183
Bulletin de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé Numéros précédents Volume 90: 2012 Volume 90, Numéro 12, décembre 2012, 869-944
Armed conflict continues to tear apart communities across the world. From Boko Haram’s abducted ‘brides’ and Islamic State’s ‘Caliphate Cubs’, to the countless others exploited by armed groups in Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and Afghanistan, many taking part in the world’s... wars are still children.
Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2014;35(3):179–85
Perspectives sur sur les drogues
Observations from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) WHO collaborative cross-national study
Centre des médias
Aide-mémoire N°349
Janvier 2015