This annual report gives an overview of WHO lesotho Country office's undertakings and achievements in the context of an extraordinary health emergency. As we walk another mile this year, may we embrace all lessonst leanred in the previous year, learn from what did not work so well and take on new op...portunities in championing health in the country.
Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS) is a gynaecological disease caused by Schistosoma haematobium, a parasitic worm that is acquired by skin contact with freshwater contaminated by schistosome cerceriae. Communities in which the infection is most endemic have limited access to clean water and healt...hcare services. Up to 150 million adolescent girls and women are estimated to be at risk of FGS and about 16–56 milion womens are living with FGS, with the majority of these in sub-Saharan Africa. The variability of these estimates points to the fact that this neglected tropical disease is not well studied and frequently not prioritized by local, regional, and global health policy makers.
Community Health Volunteers • doi: 10.7189/jogh.02.020405 ~ December 2012 • Vol. 2 No. 2 • 020405
Country profile: Cambodia
Это учебное пособие содержит информацию о том, как спланировать обучение и содействовать работникам первичного звена медико-санитарной помощи с тем, чтобы они мог...ли уверенно проводить СКПК по вопросам употребления алкоголя среди своих пациентов. В пособии излагаются исходная информация и данные научных исследований, положенные в основу СКПК, и даются практические рекомендации по созданию программы внедрения, а также подробные учебные материалы для развития знаний и навыков участников организованных учебных занятий.
Training module on malaria control
The Government of Republic of Zambia reported the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 on 18th March 2020. As of April 27th, 2020, there were 89 confirmed cases, three deaths and 42 recoveries. Confirmed cases are located in three provinces: Lusaka (83 cases), Copperbelt province (5 cases) and Central ...(1 case). Zambia introduced a series of measures including closure of three international airports, closure of all schools, movement restrictions and closure of non-essential services such as restaurant, bar, gym and public gatherings to curb the transmission rate.