Externalizing disorders
Chapter 1.1
Published: February 23, 2010
Volume 7 | Issue 2 | e1000235
Troubles du Développement
Chapitre C.2
Epilepsia, 55(4):475–482, 2014
doi: 10.1111/epi.12550
Alcohol misuses
Substance use disorders
Chapter G.1
Section I
Somatoform disorders
Child Psychiatry and Pediatrics
Chapter I.1
Providing community-based mental health services position paper
The Member States of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)
that appear in the tables below have used the assessment instrument for mental health systems (WHOAIMS)
(1), as have Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, Montserrat, and Turks and Caicos, all British
O...verseas Territories. For the purpose of this report, the countries and territories were grouped into three subregions, as follows:
Central America, Mexico, and the Latin Caribbean, the non-Latin Caribbean, and South America. The tables
also indicate the year each national WHO-AIMS report was published.
Q7: What is the effectiveness, safety and role of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, within non- specialist health care for children with a diagnosis of Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
In African traditional medicine, the curative, training, promotive and rehabilitative services are referred to as clinical practices. These traditional health care services are provided through tradition and culture prescribed under a particular philosophy, e.g. ubuntu or unhu. Norms, taboos, tradit...ion and culture, which are the cornerstones of clinical practice of traditional medicine, are the major reason for the acceptability of traditional health practitioners in the community they serve. The philosophical clinical care embedded in these traditions, culture and taboos have contributed to making traditional medicine practices acceptable and hence highly demanded by the population. This paper discusses the different traditional health care services, such as curative services, general traditional healthcare, mental healthcare, midwifery, bone setting, rehabilitative and promotional services that increases health awareness and developing
positive attitudes and behaviour towards healthier living).
In the course of implementing a recently funded network of hubs for building capacities in mental health service development, training, and research (RedeAmericas), the peer support workers are being introduced into the mental health workforce in three Latin American countries for the very first tim...e. They will be part of a team, along with community mental health workers, that provides a modified Critical Time Intervention to individuals with severe psychiatric disorders living in the community. This article reviewed the background of this increasingly widespread development, and discussed its merits, as well as potential obstacles within local contexts.
Тщательно взвесив все за и против, мы предлагаем в начальной главе первого учебника по детской и подростковой психиатрии IACAPAP сосредоточить внимание на взаимоотно...шениях между этой областью знаний и этикой. Несмотря на то, что эта, посвященная этике, глава обращена главным образом к практикующим врачам, большинство приве-
денных здесь этических проблем обсуждены применительно также и к другим профессионалам, работающим в психиатрии и принимающим участие в процессе лечения детей и подростков (например, психологам, социальным работникам, среднему медицинскому персоналу, терапевтам).
Capter A.1
Ethics and international child and adolescent psychiatry
IACAPAP Textbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Child psychiatry & pediatrics
Chapter I.1
Somatoform disorders
Afr J Psychiatry 2011;14:200-207
BMC Psychiatry 2014 14:191 https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-244X-14-191
The Health Systems in Transition (HiT) series consists of country-based reviews that provide a detailed description of a health system and of reform and policy initiatives in progress or under development in a specific country.
Chapter A.13