The purposes of this template are to support PAHO Country Offices and national/subnational emergency management mechanisms to develop or update their risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) plans related to COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic is a rapidly evolving situation and takes on patterns in countries and communities. It is therefore imperative that RCCE plans are adapted to the local context, reviewed frequently, and updated as needed.
Em março de 2020, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) classificou como uma pandemia o surto da doença causada por um novo coronavírus, a COVID-19, devido à velocidade e escala de sua transmissão. A OMS e as autoridades de saúde pública de todo o mundo estão tomando medidas para conter o ...surto da COVID-19. Certas populações, como as pessoas com deficiência, podem ser mais afetadas pela COVID-19. Esse impacto pode ser mitigado se os principais atores envolvidos tomarem ações e medidas de proteção simples.
Esta nota de instrução resume as principais considerações em Saúde Mental e Apoio Psicossocial (SMAPS) referen-tes ao novo surto de coronavírus (COVID-19). Este documento foi atualizado pela última vez em 17 de março de 2020.
1. OBJETIVO Orientar a empleadores y a las Administradoras de Riesgos Laborales para prevenir y mitigar problemas y trastornos mentales en los trabajadores de la salud que atienden pacientes con coronavirus (COVID-19).
2. ALCANCE Establecer medidas de prevención y mitigación de efectos sobre salud mental del personal de salud que atienden pacientes con coronavirus (COVID-19).
An evidence-informed approach for non-formal, out-of-school CSE programmes that aims to reach young people from left-behind populations
This guidance is intended to assist anyone designing and/or implementing CSE in out-of-school settings, especially in low- and middle-income countries. This international and national civil-society organizations, community-based organizations, government departments, UN agencies, health authorities, non-formal education authorities and youth development authorities. It is also intended for anyone else involved in the design, delivery and evaluation of sexuality education programmes out of school, especially those working with the specific groups of young people addressed in the guidance.
A Summary
Accessed: 23.11.2019
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This reference manual provides in-depth knowledge on the techniques, methodologies and best practices for using geospatial information in support of decision making for disaster risk management for specific hazards
Child marriage is defined as a formal or informal union before the age of 18. The practice affects mostly girls. While child marriage is especially prevalent in low and lower-middle income countries, it is also observed in other countries. It endangers the life trajectories of girls in multiple ways.... Child brides are at greater risk of experiencing a range of poor health outcomes, having children at younger ages when they are not yet ready to do so, dropping out of school, earning less over their lifetimes and living in poverty compared to their peers who marry at later ages. Child brides may also be more likely to experience intimate partner violence, have restricted physical mobility, and limited decision making ability. M
NHSP 2017- 2022 (Final draft)
Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS VOL. 13 NO. 1 2016
To link to this article:
Almaty, 2016
Authors: Ganina L.Yu., head of epidemiology department, Republican AIDS Center (RAC), Yelizaryeva A. V., epidemiologist, RAC, Kaspirova А. А., head of epidemiology department, Aktobe Oblast AIDS center, IvakinV.Yu., deputy regional director for strategic information, ICA...P, KryukovaV.А., Strategic Information Specialist for Kazakhstan, ICAP, Abishev A. T., acting director general, RAC.
Edited by Saparbekov M. K., Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Hygiene Faculty of Medicine – GSPH KazNU n.a. Al-Farabi, Almaty c.