Up-to-date Literature review current through: Jan 2015. | This topic last updated: Jan 29, 2015.
WHO Regional EVD Preparedness Meeting Presentations January 14-16, 2015
This new edition and fully updated publication replaces the 2012 UCG and is being circulated free of charge to all public and private sector prescribers, pharmacists, and regulatory authorities in the country
Interim emergency guidelines
National Operational Guidelines
Updated September 2021.
Provision of water and sanitation and good hygiene practices play an essential role in protecting human health during all disease outbreaks, including during Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreaks. This question and answer document provides practical, evidence-based recommend...ations on minimum requirements and best practices for water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH). It was originally developed in 2014 during the West Africa Ebola Outbreak and has been updated in 2021 to reflect lessons learned and new operational research data. The key recommendations on WASH remain the same.
This helpdesk report seeks to establish what lessons have been learnt from the current and previous Ebola outbreaks. It recommends good practice and makes suggestions based on the evidence for good practice and preparedness to reduce transmission and prevent further risk and exposure in affected cou...ntries.
Identified through evaluation of the response to pandemic (H1N1) 2009
This report presents, for the first time, a global assessment of the extent to which health care facilities provide essential water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services. Drawing on data from 54 low- and middle-income countries, the report concludes that 38% lack access to even rudimentary levels ...of water, 19% lack sanitation and 35% do not have water and soap for handwashing. When a higher level of service is factored in, the situation deteriorates significantly. A number of areas require urgent action and WHO will work with UNICEF, Governments and other partners to develop a global plan to address the most pressing needs and ensure that all health care facilities have WASH services.
Trop Med Int Health. 2015 Apr; 20(4): 448–454. Open Access
The Integrated Management of Adolescent/Adult Illness (IMAI) approach