Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
Language influences the way we think, how we perceive reality, and how we behave. With respect to HIV, language can embody stigma and discrimination, which impacts access to testing, acquisition of HIV, and engagement with treatment. Language plays a role in supporting respect and empowerment of ind...ividuals, as communities shape how they are referred to and the labels they wish to use. Consideration and use of appropriate language can strengthen the global response to the HIV pandemic by diminishing stigma and discrimination and increasing support and understanding for individuals and communities living with HIV. Comments and suggestions for modifications should be sent to
Integrated Management of pregnancy and childbirth
This Guidance was developed in response to the increase in HIV-related human rights crises and the shrinking civic space for rights-related responses to HIV in recent years across the world. This document builds upon existing guidance documents, offering updated guidance for country-based United Nat...ions staff (United Nations Country Teams) and partners to use their respective mandates to coordinate effective responses to human rights-related crises within the framework of the Resident Coordinator system, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, global HIV and human rights strategies and frameworks.
In the event of an accident or medical emergency, First Aid saves lives. Keeping the patient alive and safe until the arrival of expert professional help is a vital part of the chain of care which leads to recovery. The principle of First Aid must be simple skills, clearly taught and capable of bein...g performed in a stressful situation by those with no medical training. This manual is intended to offer a basic level of First Aid for members of the general public.
The contents of this manual are offered as a first edition of European First Aid Guidelines for general use. As such they are compatible with current practise, with other specialist guidelines (for example regarding the management of burns) and with the evidence base where one exists. These guidelines will be updated on a regular basis by the JOIN Clinical Working Group.
This music video, subtitled in English, shows children following COVID-19 prevention practices, especially covering their mouths/faces when sneezing or coughing.
Cette affiche est destinée au grand public et montre comment prévenir le COVID-19. Il fournit également un numéro de téléphone pour plus d'informations
Lancet Respir Med 2020Published OnlineMarch 20, 2020https://doi.org/10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30121-1
временное руководство.
27 февраля 2020 г.
В настоящем руководстве кратко представлены основные пересмотренные рекомендации ВОЗ по глобальному эпиднадзору за случ...аями заболевания COVID-19, вызванного заражением человека новым коронавирусом. ВОЗ продолжит обновлять данное руководство по мере поступления новой информации о COVID-19.
Trials (2018) 19:271 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-018-2604-9
Based on the findings of this trial, we will examine the potential use and scale up of iSupport for caregiver distress in India. This style of online self-help programs could be expanded to other regions or countries or to other suitabl...e caregiver groups
DHS Analytical Studies No. 36
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
This implementation plan sets out a series of programmatic objectives, activities and outcomes for malaria surveillance strengthening in Myanmar over the next two years. This period represents a key phase as the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) strives to build on recent achievements in str...engthening core surveillance operations.