The document describes the use of strategic information at various stages of the response in the context of strengthening broader health information systems. Strategic information can be defined as data collected at all service delivery and administrative levels to inform policy and programme decisi...ons.
Guidelines for the care and treatment of persons diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C virus infection
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The Committee examined the clinical development of Ebola virus vaccines and conducted an inventory of available data on their safety. It also reviewed 3 generic issues: updating a global strategy on vaccine safety, use of a network of distributed data ... to monitor the safety of vaccines and case studies of communication about the safety of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines.
Weekly epidemiological record/Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire 12 JULY 2019, 94th YEAR / 12 JUILLET 2019, 94e ANNÉENo 28, 2019, 94, 309–316
The core of the strategy is the goal for all patients to have better overall care, so that the numbers of deaths and cases of disability are reduced by 50% before 2030. For this to be achieved, four strategic aims will be pursued.
Empower and engage communities,
Ensure safe, effective tre...atment,
Strengthen health systems, and
Increase partnerships, coordination and resources Strong collaboration
Clinical management standard operating procedures.
Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a life-threatening multisystem illness associated with fever and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms that frequently leads to hypovolaemia, metabolic acidosis, hypoglycaemia, and multi-organ failure. The prolonged 2013–201...6 EVD outbreak in West Africa allowed for an evolution of care such that by outbreak end many patients received individualized and optimized supportive care (oSoC), including volume resuscitation, symptom control, laboratory and bedside monitoring of glucose, electrolyte levels and organ dysfunction, as well as rapid detection and treatment of co-infections, potentially contributing to the downward trend in the case fatality rate (CFR).
This guidance should serve as a foundation for oSoC that should be followed to ensure both the best possible chance for survival and allow for reliable comparison of investigational therapeutic interventions as part of a randomized controlled trial. This guideline provides recommendations for the management of adults and children.
Intensificar o reforço das abordagens de monitorização do tratamento através dos testes da carga viral, assim como o diagnóstico pediátrico precoce, será fundamental para garantir cuidados e tratamentos de boa qualidade e o êxito dos programas. Considerar uma boa rede de diagnósticos, tipos... de amostras, intervenções e estratégias em cada um dos países e em todas as partes interessadas nacionais, regionais e parceiros contribuirá para apoiar este esforço, melhorar a colaboração e maximizar o investimento nos diagnósticos para um impacto clínico visível.
The mhGAP community toolkit: field test version is an integral part of WHO's Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP), and aims at scaling up services for people with mental health conditions to achieve universal health coverage.
The toolkit provides guidance for programme managers on how to i...dentify local mental health needs and tailor community services to match these needs. It offers practical information and necessary tools for community providers to promote mental health, prevent mental health conditions and expand access to mental health services.
Dans le monde, une personne vivant avec le VIH sur cinq ne connaît pas son statut sérologique, malgré un développement considérable des services de dépistage, de traitement et de prévention du VIH. Nombre de ces personnes restées hors d’atteinte des services de dépistage du VIH (SDV) prov...iennent de populations clés, partenaires de personnes vivant avec le VIH et, en Afrique de l’Est et du Sud, hommes et jeunes.
The aim of the framework is to provide guidance to Member States and partners on region-specific priority actions towards the goals, targets and milestones of the GTS. The central pillar of the framework is the adoption of programme phasing and transitioning, aimed at facilitating a tailored approac...h to malaria control/elimination. This is in response to the increasing heterogeneity of malaria epidemiology among and within countries of the region.