2 March 2021
Protracted displacement, socio-economic crises aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, dire humanitarian needs and protection threats continue to affect the Palestine refugees in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.
In Syria, the protracted conflict has left 91 per cent of the 438,000 Palestine re...fugees1 estimated to remain in the country in absolute poverty2 and 40 per cent displaced.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and partners from 27 humanitarian and development organisations and governments are appealing for USD 84 million to provide life-saving assistance to hundreds of thousands of African migrants and host community members affected by COVID-19 in the Ho...rn of Africa and Yemen. The many partners include the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Save the Children, among others.
Across Zimbabwe, 7 million people in urban and rural areas are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, compared to 5.5 million in August 2019. Since the launch of the Revised Humanitarian Appeal in August 2019, circumstances for millions of Zimbabweans have worsened. Drought and crop failure, exa...cerbated by macro-economic challenges and austerity measures, have directly affected vulnerable households in both rural and urban communities. Inflation continues to erode purchasing power and affordability of food and other essential goods is a daily challenge. The delivery of health care, clean water and sanitation, and education has been constrained and millions of people are facing challenges to access vital services.
The present Community Empowerment Manual draws upon the lessons learned of the Community Protection Approach implementation in Lebanon, the occupied Palestinian territory and Central America during the period 2015-2020 by WeWorld – GVC and its partners.
The Manual means to accompany Field Staff i...n devising the most appropriate strategy to engage with communities, given the conditions of access, security and time of the specific context in which a project is implemented. Even though the steps described proceed alongside the implementation of the Community Protection Approach, the manual has different sections providing guidance for the definition of engagement strategies in any context or project in question.
The 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) sets out the framework within which the humanitarian community will respond to the large-scale humanitarian and protection needs in Syria throughout 2019, on the basis of the prioritization undertaken across and within sectors. The HRP, based on United Natio...ns’ assessments and analysis, also presents urgent funding requirements to address these needs. It is anchored by three strategic objectives: saving lives and alleviating suffering, enhancing protection, and increasing resilience. These objectives are interlinked and achieving positive outcomes for affected people requires concerted action across all three.
This Charter on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action has been developed in advance of the World Humanitarian Summit (23 and 24 May 2016, Istanbul) by over 70 stakeholders from States, UN agencies, the international civil society community and global, regional and national or...ganisations of persons with disabilities. By endorsing this Charter, you will commit to render humanitarian action inclusive of persons with disabilities, by lifting barriers persons with disabilities are facing in accessing relief, protection and recovery support and ensuring their participation in the development, planning and implementation humanitarian programmes.
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) collected evidence through field missions and from other sources reporting on the situation in March, May and October 2022.
In parallel, it launched a large-scale online survey of those fleeing Ukraine. This aimed to gather personal experiences... of their journey to, arrival in and settling in the EU. The survey covered displaced people, including many children, in the 10 EU Member States hosting large numbers of people registered for temporary protection.
The Standard consists of nine key inclusion standards, and seven sets of sector-specific inclusion standards for protection – water, sanitation and hygiene, food security and livelihoods, nutrition, shelter, settlement and household items, health and education. Each standard comes with key actions..., guidance, tools and resources.
In April and May 2015, Nepal was hit by two major earthquakes killing around 9,000 people and leaving many thousands more injured and homeless.
To optimize the speed and volume of critical humanitarian assistance, the HCT has developed this Plan to:
1. Reach a common understanding of earth...quake risk to ensure early action is taken when required.
2. Establish a minimum level of earthquake preparedness across clusters.
3. Build the basis for a joint HCT response strategy to meet the needs of affected people in the first 6 weeks to 3 months of a response.
4. Define considerations for detailed contingency planning on the basis of the worst-case scenario, especially around access and logistics.
This research is one case in a study commissioned by the World Food Programme to investigate the participation of recipient community in the targeting and management of humanitarian food assistance in complex emergencies. The study involved a substantial desk review of existing documentation, and th...ree weeks of field work in February and March 2008. The purpose of the study was to understand the ways in which participatory or community-based approaches to targeting have been attempted, within the definition of community-based targeting suggested by WFP. The study was not an evaluation of targeting methods, although some critical examination of targeting was necessary in order to understand the constraints on community participation.
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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call for major societal transformations that will require significant fiscal outlays as well as private investments. The fiscal outlays cover public investments, the public provision of social services, and social protection for vulnerable populations. The ke...y message of this paper, building on recent reports by the IMF and SDSN (IMF, 2019b; SDSN, 2018) is that the governments of Low-Income Developing Countries (LIDCs) will require a substantial increase in fiscal (budget) revenues, far beyond what they can achieve by their own fiscal reforms. For this reason, SDG financing will require substantial international cooperation to enable the LIDCs to finance their SDG fiscal outlays. One important source of increased revenues should be the globally coordinated taxation of ultra-high-net worth assets. Today’s ultra-rich should help to pay for the survival and basic needs of the world’s poorest people.
This publication provides an overview of UN Women’s commitments to the humanitarian community guided by the “UN Women strategic plan 2022–2025”. It highlights areas where UN Women has a unique advantage in advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls across the humanitari...an–development–peace nexus, and in contributing to the Inter-Agency Standing Committee priorities, including localization and accountability to affected people.
The strategy adopts a two-pronged approach:
strengthening accountability towards gender commitments in coordination and implementation of UN-led humanitarian and refugee responses, and
strengthening comprehensive protection and livelihoods support to crisis-affected women and girls.
While taking these approaches, UN Women prioritizes amplifying women’s voices, leadership, and agency as a critical and enabling cross-cutting area.
This document outlines PAHO’s regional priorities for the year 2023 to sustain and scale up health emergency and humanitarian assistance in the Americas, with a focus on five priority countries currently facing a prolonged humanitarian crisis and recovering from recent acute emergencies: Colombia,... El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). These goals align with and build on the World Health Organization’s Global Health Emergency Appeal for 2023, its principles, priorities, and strategies.
Travailler avec les dirigeants communautaires pour lutter contre la VBG est une très bonne et prometteuse approche, car les dirigeants communautaires sont les gardiens de toutes nos croyances et coutumes. Étant donné que la VBG est enracinée dans les croyances et les coutumes, essayer de s...attaquer à la VBG sans impliquer les dirigeants communautaires peut mener à un grand conflit, et vous n’aurez aucun résultat. Les dirigeants communautaires ont également des rôles à jouer dans la réponse aux survivantes de la VBG. Les survivantes s’adressent aux chefs de villages pour faire part de leurs préoccupations et de leurs expériences, et les dirigeants ont des pratiques pour traiter les préoccupations et une approche de la justice qui se base d’abord sur le maintien de la cohésion sociale, mais la VBG ne peut pas être résolue comme n’importe quel autre conflit. D’après mon expérience des programmes de VBG dans mon propre pays et ailleurs, j’ai appris qu’il est plus difficile d’impliquer les dirigeants communautaires dans certains endroits que dans d’autres. Parfois, les aspects religieux rendent les choses plus difficiles. Mais si vous demandez à n’importe quel dirigeant de décrire ce qu’est un dirigeant, ce qu’un dirigeant fait, il parlera de la protection de la communauté. Et c’est aussi ce que nous voulons — protéger les femmes et les filles dans la communauté.
Six months after the earthquake, World Vision's efforts have made it possible to provide emergency assistance to selected beneficiaries among the most vulnerable through the distribution of food and hygiene kits and to address the psychosocial needs of children, adolescents, and young people deprive...d of classrooms. During this recovery phase of the response by World Vision teams have been focusing on rebuilding and rehabilitating school infrastructure in order to facilitate the return to school in safer conditions given the almost permanent seismic risks. Six months later, the security situation continues to deteriorate with an increase in kidnappings and nationwide strikes to protest against the rising insecurity.
Haiti is one of the worst food crises in the world with 46 percent of the population projected to be in high acute food security, mainly due to reduced agricultural production caused by a long period of drought, storms and increased prices of basic foodstuffs, which are compounded by the effects of ...the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Ce document est consolidé par OCHA pour le compte de l’Équipe humanitaire pays et des partenaires humanitaires. Il présente une compréhension commune de la crise, notamment les besoins humanitaires les plus pressants et le nombre estimé de personnes ayant besoin d’assistance. Il constitue u...ne base factuelle aidant à informer la planification stratégique conjointe de la réponse.
Les désignations employées et la présentation des éléments dans le présent rapport ne signifient pas l’expression de quelque opinion que ce soit de la part du Secrétariat des Nations unies concernant le statut juridique d’un pays, d’un territoire, d’une ville ou d’une zone ou de leurs autorités ou concernant la délimitation de ses frontières ou de ses limites.
A new report by the world’s largest humanitarian network warns that the number of people needing humanitarian assistance every year as a result of climate-related disasters could double by 2050. It estimates that the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance as a result of storms, droug...hts and floods could climb beyond 200 million annually – compared to an estimated 108 million today.
It further suggests that this rising human toll would come with a huge financial price tag, with climate-related humanitarian costs ballooning
Statistical Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan
Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan
Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan
The DHS Program ICF
Rockville, Maryland, USA
Une activité de résilience aux traumatismes pour le projet de CRS-WARO Action pour la protection et l'intégration des migrants en Afrique (APIMA).
Ce manuel montre comment organiser un atelier qui aide les participants à trouver une identité et une vision de leur vie qui équilibrent les expé...riences positives et négatives afin de leur donner un sens de direction personnelle et un espoir pour l’avenir.