Очень часто дети это уязвимая под-группа внутри уже уязвимых групп населения. Поэтому необходимо, чтобы политики, гражданское общество и медицинские работники без...отлагательно обратили свое внимание на проблему борьбы с детским туберкулезом. Дети являются источником развития заболеваний в будущем, а продолжающееся бездействие приводит к потере многих человеческих жизней.
Accessed on 19.07. 2019
Reporting on Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific: A Handbook for Journalists.
UNESCO Series on Journalism education.
It explores the essential aspects of climate change, including its injustices to vulnerable communities, especially women and girls and least develope...d countries, and provides examples of best practices and stories of hope unique to the region. It can be used as a resource for journalists to understand the science of climate change, as well as helping journalists to improve their reporting of the environmental, social, economic, political, technological and other angles of the story
The classification of digital health interventions (DHIs) categorizes the different ways in which digital and mobile technologies are being used to support health system needs. Historically, the diverse communities working in digital health—including government stakeholders, technologists, clinic...ians, implementers, network operators, researchers, donors— have lacked a mutually understandable language with which to assess and articulate functionality. A shared and standardized vocabulary was recognized as necessary to identify gaps and duplication, evaluate effectiveness, and facilitate alignment across different digital health implementations. Targeted primarily at public health audiences, this Classification framework aims to promote an accessible and bridging language for health program planners to articulate functionalities of digital health implementations.
Technical guidance.
This technical guidance aims to inform policy and practice development specifically related to improving the health of older refugees and migrants within the European Union and the larger WHO European Region. Both ageing and migration are in themselves complex multidimensional p...rocesses shaped by a range of factors at the micro, meso and macro levels over the life-course of the individual, but also with intertwined trajectories. Relevant areas for policy-making include healthy ageing over the life-course, supportive environments, people-centred health and long-term care services, and strengthening the evidence base and research
The CB MHPSS operational guidelines were developed in response to emerging evidence on the determinants of children’s resilience, lessons learned from the evaluation of existing approaches, and the unique challenges that today’s crises pose for children’s safety, wellbeing and optimal developm...ent.
Un enfoque práctico para elaborar políticas y estrategias destinadas a mejorar la calidad de la atención
La elaboración, mejora y ejecución de las políticas y estrategias nacionales de calidad son una prioridad para los países que se esfuerzan por mejorar el desempeño de sus sistemas de sal...ud. El creciente impulso hacia la cobertura universal de salud se acompaña de la correspondiente conciencia de que un mejor acceso requiere esfuerzos orientados a mejorar la calidad de los servicios de salud para lograr las mejoras deseadas en los resultados en materia de salud. Los países están solicitando asesoramiento para orientar sus esfuerzos en relación con las políticas y estrategias nacionales de calidad. Están adoptando diversos enfoques con múltiples puntos de entrada para mejorar la calidad, y muchos de ellos también están centrando su atención en el nivel subnacional como un ámbito de acción. Sin embargo, el objetivo sigue siendo el mismo: aumentar la calidad de la atención de salud como un punto de entrada crucial para el fortalecimiento de los sistemas de salud, y en último término lograr mejorar la salud de la población.
These National Operational Guidelines for Viral Load Testing detail how routine viral load testing will be implemented at the facility level in India. They include frequency and interpretation of monitoring, sample collections, storage and transportation, receipt of results, adherence counseling, an...d reporting requirements. Roles and responsibilities are outlined as well as turnaround time requirements.
The new WHO recommendations for the treatment of isoniazid-resistant, rifampicin-susceptible TB are based upon a review of evidence from patients treated with such regimens by a Guideline Development Group in conformity with WHO requirements for evidence-based policies.
4th Edition 2018
National Malaria Elimination & Aedes Transmitted Disease Control Program
Disease Control Unit Directorate General of Health Services
PLoS Med 15(7): e1002615. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pmed.1002615
Guide for community-based management and care of people with dementia
Version 1.0
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Division of NCD and Health through the Life-Course
World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific
3rd edition April 2018 - draft version
This Essential List for Diabetic Retinopathy contains recommendations for a range of essential itemsrequired at community / primary level (for screening); at secondary and tertiary levels (for treatment and follow up). It also contains recommendations for i...tems that are desirable, and efforts should be made to obtain these.
Informe sobre poblaciones clave
Guidelines for treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosisand patient care
2017 Update
- Pacific Possible Background Paper No.6