: interim guidance, 17 February 2021
This document provides interim guidance on the management of the blood supply in response to the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). It emphasizes the importance of being prepared and responding quickly and outlines key actions and measures that... the blood services should take to mitigate the potential risk to the safety and sufficiency of the blood supplies during the pandemic.
It should be read in conjunction with WHO Guidance for National Blood Services on Protecting the Blood Supply During Infectious Disease Outbreaks, which provides general guidance on the development of national plans to respond to any emerging infectious threats to the sufficiency or safety of the blood supply.
: interim guidance, 17 February 2021
This document provides interim guidance on the management of the blood supply in response to the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). It emphasizes the importance of being prepared and responding quickly and outlines key actions and measures that... the blood services should take to mitigate the potential risk to the safety and sufficiency of the blood supplies during the pandemic.
It should be read in conjunction with WHO Guidance for National Blood Services on Protecting the Blood Supply During Infectious Disease Outbreaks, which provides general guidance on the development of national plans to respond to any emerging infectious threats to the sufficiency or safety of the blood supply.
Probenmaterial für die PCR-Diagnostik zum direkten Erregernachweis
Verpackung und Versand
Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit Probenmaterial
Direkter Erregernachweis durch RT-PCR
Antikörpernachweise (indirekter Nachweis einer Infektion)
Bemerkungen zur Interp...retation von Laborergebnissen
Ansprechpartner zu Fragen der Labordiagnostik und Referenzuntersuchungen:
Konsiliarlabor für Coronaviren
Gesellschaft für Virologie
Ständig aktualisiert
Vorgehen bei Patienten mit bestätigter SARS-CoV-2-Infektion
What near-term climate impacts should worry us most?
Supporting the most exposed and vulnerable societies to reduce
regional and global climate risks
Mental health is critical to personal well-being, interpersonal relationships, and successful contributions to society. Mental health conditions consequently impose a high burden not only on individuals, families and society, but also on economies. In Jamaica, mental health conditions are highly pre...valent and major contributors to morbidity, disability, and premature mortality.
Clinical care for severe acute respiratory infection: toolkit: COVID-19 adaptation
Enabling young children to achieve their full developmental potential is a human right and an essential requisite for sustainable development. Given the critical importance of enabling children to make the best start in life, the health sector, among other sectors, has an important role and responsi...bility to support nurturing care for early childhood development. This guideline provides direction for strengthening policies and programmes to better address early childhood development.
Временные рекомендации
5 июня 2020 г
Ношение медицинской маски является одной из профилактических мер, которая может ограничить распространение ряда вирусных инф...кций, в том числе, COVID-19. Однако использования маски как единственного средства недостаточно для обеспечения адекватного уровня защиты, и следует принимать также другие меры. Независимо от применения масок первоочередное значение в профилактике передачи COVID-19 от человека к человеку имеет тщательное соблюдение гигиены рук и других мер ПИИК.
This summary assesses the current state of evidence on each approach in tabular form, providing: the definition and objectives; evidence of effectiveness; operational considerations (e.g., training, staffing, and logistics); cost considerations and evidence on cost-effectiveness; operational success...es and challenges; and areas for future research and learning. This document is not intended to endorse any particular approach. Rather, it aims to objectively present the state of the existing evidence on each approach, so as to inform decision-making among practitioners looking to further test, refine and implement such approaches.
Qualitative assay for use on the cobas®6800/8800 Systems. For in vitro diagnostic use
Временные руководящие принципы 1 декабря 2020 года. Обновленная версия
В этом документе представлено обновленное руководство по использованию масок в медицинских ...чреждениях и в общественных местах, а также при уходе за больными КОВИД-19 на дому. Он предназначен для разработчиков политики, специалистов в области общественного здравоохранения и профилактики и контроля инфекций, менеджеров здравоохранения и медицинских работников.
Приложение содержит рекомендации по изготовлению немедицинских масок. Оно предназначено для тех, кто производит немедицинские маски на дому и для производителей масок.
interim guidance, 23 December 2020
Временное руководство23 декабря 2020 г.
Evaluating the Return on Investment of Scaling Up Treatment for Depression, Anxiety, and Psychosis