Данное руководство разработано в качестве стандартного пособия по оказанию первой психологической помощи для использования в странах с низким и средним уровнем ...охода. Приведенная здесь информация является типовой, и ее следует соответствующим образом адаптировать к местным условиям и культурным особенностям людей, которым вы будете оказывать помощь. В этой публикации, одобренной многими международными организациями, отражены новые научные данные и общее мнение международного профессионального сообщества об оптимальных путях оказания поддержки людям, только что пережившим тяжелые травмирующие события.
tool for monitoring, documenting and reporting human rights violations in Nigeria
У посібнику викладено питання медико-психологічної допомоги при посттравматичному стресовому розладі на різних етапах діагностики стресових розладів у постражд...алих внаслідок надзвичайних ситуацій, координації психологічної допомоги та санаторно-курортної реабілітації таких осіб. Посібник призначений для лікарів-психіатрів, лікарів-психофізіологів, лікарів загальної практики – сімейної медицини, лікарів-психологів та практичних психологів.
Over the past 50 years, dengue has spread from nine to over a hundred countries, making it the most rapidly spreading vector-borne disease. Yet, dengue continues to have a low profile among policy-makers and donors and does not receive the media attention it deserves. While there is no vaccine or cu...re for dengue, it can be managed and prevented. We need a renewed commitment to integrated programming that includes improved management and diagnosis, increased awareness and community participation in controlling the vector and enhanced environmental sanitation
BMC Family Practice201415:165, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-15-165
Open Access
This Making It Work multi-stakeholder initiative documents good practice for inclusive employment of people with disabilities, in order to promote effective implementation Article 27 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in seven West African countries. “The objective was to... make recommendations for public and private employers, microfinance institutions, governments and their partners in order that they become agents of change and commit themselves to inclusive policies promoting access to decent jobs for people with disabilities in West Africa” - See more at: http://www.asksource.info/node/70240#sthash.yBjlgAds.dpuf
DHS Working Papers No. 110 | Zimbabwe Working Papers No. 11
Compendium of Case Studies
This document is a practical guide to the management of burn injuries for healthcare professionals everyhwere who are non-burn specialistsi
What are the local beliefs and practices around illnesses and death, the transmission of disease and spirituality, which affect decision-making (around health-seeking behaviour, caring for relatives and nature of burials) and can inform effective behaviour change interventions for preventing Ebola i...n Sierra Leone?
The preparedness strengthening team deployed to Ghana focused on specific objectives in order to assist the country in becoming as operationally prepared as possible to detect, investigate and report potential EVD cases effectively and safely and to mount an effective response to prevent a larger o...utbreak. To accomplish this goal, the team conducted “scoping” activities, stakeholder meetings, site visits and a “table-top” simulation exercise to determine what systems were in place and what aspects of preparedness could be strengthened.
It is organized in 10 components of the WHO consolidated checklist for EVD preparedness: 1) planning and coordination; 2) epidemiological and laboratory surveillance; 3) rapid response teams; 4) contact tracing; 5) points of entry; 6) laboratory; 7) case management; 8) infection prevention and control; 9) social mobilization and risk communication; 10) budget.