This toolkit has been written to empower health workers in resource-poor settings to integrate palliative care into the work they are doing by grafting the missing elements of care onto what is already in place. The WHPCA, Hospice UK and Palliative Care Works have led this updating of the Palliative... Care Toolkit published in 2008 to reflect new knowledge and practice
The Manual is available in various languages: English, Swahili, Bengali, French, Georgian, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian,
This handbook was designed primarily as a tool for district clinical specialist teams (DCSTs), and for the provincial specialists who will guide and support their work. This handbook will also be useful to managers of health facilities, heads of clinical units and nurses, doctors and allied health w...orkers at the coalface of clinical care. This handbook will be of interest to district managers and other members of the district management team who are dedicated to developing the capacity of the district health system to respond
effectively to the health needs of the population they serve. It will help them understand the role of the DCSTs and the type of
activities they need to engage in to improve the quality of care
Monitoring the situation of children and women
Climate change is having the largest impact on the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. Within this group, 20% are people with disabilities, who are nearly always doubly disadvantaged.
Accessed on 30.01.2020
Au Sénégal, la mortalité infanto-juvénile est surtout causée par le paludisme les maladies diarrhéiques et les infections respiratoires aigües (IRA). Des travaux ont montré que 80% des décès d’enfants de zéro à cinq ans (0 à 5 ans) surviennent dans les maisons ...sans aucun contact avec les services de santé. D’où la nécessité de mettre en place des interventions à base communautaire efficaces pour réduire cette mortalité. A ce propos, la problématique de la consolidation et de l’élargissement des interventions à base communautaire se pose avec beaucoup d’acuité.
Locate, test, treat and retain (L2TR) Ghana campaign. 90-90-90 ending the AIDS epedemic by 2030