Globally, the cancer burden is rising, exerting significant strain on
populations and health systems at all levels of income. There are
concerted efforts towards enhancing access to comprehensive
cancer prevention and control initiatives.
Transforming Health: Accelerating attainment of Health Goals | THE SECOND MEDIUM TERM PLAN FOR HEALTH
The Kenya Health Policy 2014-2030 aims at attaining the highest possible standard of health in a manner responsive to the health needs of our population. One of the major policy directions towards realizing the intentions of this policy is to halt and reverse the
rising burden of non-communicable d...iseases.
Document is available in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Dari, Dinka, English, Farsi, Hindi, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Nepali, Punjabi, Somali, Swahili, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese. For other language versions go to
Handout presentations in PDF for illustrating lectures
Accessed May 2014
Final Draft narrative December 6, 2012 - This strategic plan, developed through the joint collaboration of all stakeholders in the different sectors is aimed at harnessing and bringing together all the stakeholders who have a role in the prevention, detection and management of epidemic and infectiou...s diseases in the country. The plan describes the common epidemic and infectious diseases, the measures that need to be undertaken to ensure their control, the key partners and their roles and sets out milestones to monitor progress.
Abridge Course for Physicians. Facilitator guide for modules, Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI)