Mental disorders are one of the top public health challenges in the WHO European Region, affecting about 25% of the population every year. In all countries, mental health problems are much more prevalent among the people who are most deprived. The WHO European Region therefore faces diverse affecting both the mental well-being of the population and the provision and quality of care for people with mental health problems.
The European Mental Health Action Plan focuses on seven interlinked objectives and proposes effective action to strengthen mental health and well-being. Investing in mental health is essential for the sustainability of health and socioeconomic policies in the European Region. The Action Plan corresponds to the four priority areas of the European policy framework for health and wellbeing, Health 2020, and will contribute directly to its implementation.
An international field study by African and German theologicans and health workers.
HIV testing services
July 2015
Version 3
• Safe School reopening
• Special Events messages for sporting events and Africa Cup of Nations,
Elections and public gatherings and holidays
• Safe sex and condom use for Survivors
• Cemetery messages
The purpose of this guidance package is to provide government a...gencies, response committees and teams, media outlets, partners, and community leaders with accurate and consistent information to use for when communicating about Ebola in Liberia. All are encouraged to share this document widely as a guide for all communicating about Ebola
"Patient decontamination principles are set forth here from a strategic perspective, rather than a tactical
one. The principles are meant to guide, but not specify, operational practices. The guidance is evidencebased
to the extent possible and the supporting evidence is documented and briefly dis...cussed."
Report of Meeting: 4 November 2014, Roma
These Guidelines comprise a General Guidelines document that provides the basic parameters of DG ECHO humanitarian health assistance, complemented by specific Technical Guidance in annex.
Series on Disability-Inclusive Development. This publication introduces the key concepts for disability-inclusive development and highlights practical examples by CBM, to contribute to the dialogue on disability-inclusive development
Esta guía está dirigida a los encargados de tomar decisiones sobre la formulación, operación o evaluación de programas o estrategias orientadas a mejorar la nutrición o alimentación. Su principal objetivo es brindar a los lectores herramientas para determinar la conveniencia de instrumentar d...istintas alternativas de intervenciones para el combate a la desnutrición.
Nul n'est à Ll'abrid'un traumatisme psychique. Trauma-Broschüre Wenn das Vergessen nicht gelingt. French Version.
Diese Broschüre richtet sich an Frauen, Männer und Kinder, die Traumatisches erlebt haben, und ihre Angehörigen. Die Broschüre informiert anhand konkreter Beispiele über, Folgen und Bewältigung der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung.
S’inscrivant dans le prolongement du Guide de gestion des abris d’évacuation, validant un mécanisme officiel de gestion jusqu’à une période de l’urgence ne dépassant pas les soixante-douze heures (72), ce document initie une tentative d’harmoniser les leçons apprises et bonnes pratiq...ues, ventilées en fonction de diverses scénarios et d’indications précises dans la phase de réponse après les soixante-douze heures (72) de gestion de l’urgence et en offrant un portefeuille d’outils mis en œuvre de 2010 à 2014 .