Primary Care: The Community Health System
In Kenya, the bacterial infections that contribute most to human disease are often those in which re-‐sistance is most evident. Examples are multidrug-‐resistant enteric bacterial pathogens such as typhoid, ... diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli and invasive non-‐typhi salmonella, penicillin-‐resistant Streptococcus pneu-‐moniae, vancomycin-‐resistant enterococci, methicillin-‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus and multidrug-‐re-‐sistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Resistance to medicines commonly used to treat malaria is of particu-‐lar concern, as is the emerging resistance to anti-‐HIV drugs. Often, more expensive medicines are required to treat these infections, and this becomes a major challenge in resource-‐poor settings.
Refugees1 with disabilities have specific needs and face particular forms of discrimination. As highlighted in the Executive Committee Conclusion No. 110 (LXI)–2010, it is important for UNHCR to ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities who are of concern to the Office are met without di...scrimination. This places an onus on offices to develop a thorough
understanding of the circumstances of persons with disabilities under their care. This note provides staff with guidance on a range of issues to consider in meeting these responsibilities.
Scaling Up Multi-Sectoral Efforts to Establish a Strong Nutrition Foundation for Uganda’s Development
A collaborative project of World Health Organization and
Lifting The Burden
Main messages and recommendations
DEVELOPMENT BULLETIN | No.74, June 2011 | Editor: Pamela Thomas | Features and case studies | Progress with implementing conventions and strategies | Progress with capacity building | Progress with disability-inclusive education | Disability-inclusive research | Innovative inclusion | Review of urba...nisation in the Pacific | Development assistance and disability
Global Health. 2011 Apr 18;7:8. doi: 10.1186/1744-8603-7-8
Results: Currently, ‘new’health challenges and educational needs as a result of the globalisation process are discussed and linked to the evolving term‘global health’. The lack of a common definition of this termcomplicates attempts... to analyse global health in the field of education. The proposed GHE framework addresses these problems and presents a set of key characteristics of education in this field. The framework builds on the models of‘social determinants of health’and‘globalisation and health’and is oriented towards‘health for all’and‘health equity’. It provides an action-oriented construct for a bottom-up engagement with global health by the health workforce. Ten indicators are deduced for use in monitoring and evaluation.
Special issue: Mental Health Challenges in Lithuania
Nos. 1-2 '11