The State of the World's Midwifery
This document provides the specifications for major pesticide application equipment used for control of vectors of diseases. The specification guidelines contained herein are intended to assist national authorities and other public health users in selecting equipment of assured quality for applicati...on of pesticides for vector control.
The test methods described herein are intended to assess whether the equipment will function for a minimum of three years with appropriate routine maintenance according to the manufacturer’s label instructions. Manufacturers shall be requested to provide warranty against manufacturing defects with guaranteed after-sales service on the equipment, any certification required by national authorities regarding materials used in the construction of the equipment, and results of tests that have been carried out for compliance with national or international specifications.
Draft May 2011
The first ever nursing and midwifery services policy document in the history of MoPH was developed with the following aims:
1. Create a positive environment for Nursing and Midwifery Policy and Practice
2. Promote education, training and career development for nurses an...d midwives.
3. Contribute to the strengthening of health systems and services
4. Monitor the development of nursing and midwifery professions and ensure their quality
5. Streamline Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Management
6. Develop Partnerships for Nursing and Midwifery Services
This Case Study explores flood forecasting systems from the perspective of its position within the flood warning process. A method for classifying the different approaches taken in flood forecasting is introduced before the elements of a present-day flood forecasting system are discussed in detail. ...Finally, the state of the art in developing flood forecasting systems is addressed including how to deal with specific challenges posed.
The target group of this case study are decision makers in disaster risk management and/or water management. The case study should help to understand some hydrologic basics of the flood forecast and assist in the administration and implementation of an appropriate flood warning system in a specific environment, to find the best solution for a region.
Best solutions depend mainly on quality and availability of data, the areas and/or points of interest, catchment properties, cross border catchments, and financial capabilities with special consideration of flood forecast.
UNHCR, the UN Refuge Agency, and NGO partners are launching an appeal for US$2.7 billion to address the live-saving humanitarian needs of South Sudanese refugees in 2019 and 2020.
Five years on since the onset of a brutal civil war, over 2.2 million South Sudanese refugees have sought safety in six... neighboring countries Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Central African Republic (CAR). Another 1.9 million remain internally displaced inside South Sudan
Version 1.1. The WHO protocol has been adapted to resource-limited settings and builds on existing methodologies from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the Global PPS project from University of Antwerp, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Med...icines Utilisation Research in Africa (MURIA).
Point Prevalence Surveys collects information on prescribing practices of antibiotics and other information relevant to treatment and management of infectious diseases in hospitalized patients, and complements surveillance of antimicrobial consumption.
The aim of the WHO QualityRights tool kit is to support countries in assessing and
improving the quality and human rights of their mental health and social care facilities.
The tool kit is based on an extensive international review by people with mental disabilities
and their organizations. It ha...s been pilot-tested in low-, middle- and high-income
countries and is designed to be applied in all of these resource settings.
In this tool kit, the term ‘people with mental disabilities’ can include those with mental,
neurological or intellectual impairments and those with substance use disorders.
Is the first appendix for the Psychological First Aid Field for Schools (PFA-S) Operations Guide. This appendix provides recommendations for school staff (including principals and administrators, teachers, health-related professionals, and support staff) on providing Psychological First Aid at a sch...ool.
Psychoactive substance use affects the functioning of the brain and leads to impaired driving
Chapter A.14
Chapter J.3
1. Provide treatment for mental disorders in primary care
2. Ensure wider accessibility to essential psychotropic drugs
3. Provide care in the community
4. Educate the public
5. Involve communities, families and consumers
6. Establish national policies, programmes and legislation on mental
7. Develop human resources
8. Link with other sectors
9. Monitor community mental health
10. Support relevant research.
Growing evidence indicates that large proportions of children around the world experience physical, sexual and emotional violence every year, with enormous implications for human rights, public health and economic and social development.1 Over the last five years, national governments and Together f...or Girls – a global public-private partnership comprising UNICEF,
other United Nations (UN) agencies, the United States (US) Government and various private sector agencies – have worked to mobilize and sustain a global movement to end violence against children, with a focus on sexual violence against girls.
Global concerns: Implications for the future
Child Mental Health Atlas
This document aims to assist policy‑makers, health care providers and researchers to understand key concepts in health ethics and to identify basic ethical questions surrounding health and health care. It illustrates the challenges of applying ethical principles to global public health and outline...s practical strategies for dealing with those challenges.
Представлены данные о факторах риска, которые способствуют развитию суицидального поведения. На развитие суицидального поведения влияет целый ряд факторов: пол, ...озраст, место проживания, профессия, семейное положение, состояние здоровья и т.д. Отмечается влияние экономических и социальных факторов на уровень суицидальной активности населения. Наблюдаются взаимосвязи между психическими расстройствами, наркологическими заболеваниями (особенно алкоголизм) и суицидом. При наличии многочисленных исследований в области суицидологии целый ряд проблем остаётся неразрешенным. Необходимо их дальнейшее изучение. Особо следует отметить значимость «региональных» факторов риска, которые оказывают наибольшее влияние на формирование суицидального поведения в отдельно взятом регионе.
Утім, звісно, забезпечення доступності доказових форм психотерапії щодо ПТСР – це лише одна ланка ланцюжка. Нам потрібна значно ширша програма, яка передбачала би ...й просвітництво (для прикладу, див. просвітницький проект «Простір надії»:, і роботу з організації кризових втручань та першої психологічної
The seven essential features of practice for scaling up are described with great clarity. They are practical and universal, and encourage local innovation. They include policy, funding and local management structure, as well as working with all possible partners and developing local context adaptati...ons. The case studies give ideas and inspiration to develop new programmes and find ways around obstacles in existing programmes, especially through involving those with most at stake including users and their families and local community leaders
The purpose of this manual is to provide a resource for training to increase understanding of Health in All Policies (HiAP) by health and other professionals. It is anticipated that the material in this manual will form the basis of two- or three-day workshops, which will:
• Bu...ild capacity to promote, implement and evaluate HiAP;
• Encourage engagement and collaboration across sectors;
• Facilitate the exchange of experiences and lessons learned;
• Promote regional and global collaboration on HiAP; and
• Promote dissemination of skills to develop training courses for trainers.