New research exposes how women and children are disproportionally affected by climate migration, which puts them at greater risk of gender-based violence, child labour and exploitation.
Governments must ensure the safety and protection of women and girls in climate emergencies, including the safe... and equal access to basic services, food, and healthcare before, during, and after disasters. Women must also be included in decision making in their communities so they can lead on resilience building and address gendered issues of migration and displacement.
Identificando o risco de acidente vascular cerebral e melhorando desfechos em pacientes com fibrilação atrial na América Latina
DOI: 10.1590/1516-3180.2015.0222110716
Sao Paulo Med J. 2016; 134(6):534-42
BMC Family Practice201415:165, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-15-165
Open Access
Progress towards targets of the Global action plan on dementia
Handbook; EmOC indicators
Education material for teachers of midwifery
Midwifery education modules - second edition
Lack of Access to Reproductive Healthcare in Sudan’s Rebel-Held Southern Kordofan
What near-term climate impacts should worry us most?
Supporting the most exposed and vulnerable societies to reduce
regional and global climate risks
Enfrentando la enfermedad de Alzheimer en los países en desarrollo.
Rev Neuropsiquiatr 80 (2), 2017 (P. 105-110)
Recibido: 03/02/2017 Aceptado: 12/06/2017
Children in Kabwe are especially at risk because they are more likely to ingest lead dust when playing in the soil, their brains and bodies are still developing, and they absorb four to five times as much lead as adults. The consequences for children who are exposed to high levels of lead and are no...t treated include reading and learning barriers or disabilities; behavioral problems; impaired growth; anemia; brain, liver, kidney, nerve, and stomach damage; coma and convulsions; and death. After prolonged exposure, the effects are irreversible. Lead also increases the risk of miscarriage and can be transmitted through both the placenta and breastmilk.
This report, which involved input from across WaterAid, in particular from the Programme Support Unit (PSU) of WaterAid UK, includes case studies from a variety of countries, including Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Ghana, India and Nepal, each demonstrating what must be done now to i...mprove WASH services and address current challenges, in order to increase community resilience to climate change.
Report of the Global Thematic Consultation on Population Dynamics
DHS Qualitative Research Studies No. 19
DHS Working Papers No. 89
DHS Working Papers No. 91
Recommendations on action and research for:
a) preventing early pregnancy
b) preventing poor reproductive outcomes