Vitamin A supplementation (VAS) programs targeted at children aged 6–59 months are implemented in many countries. By improving immune function, vitamin A (VA) reduces mortality associated with measles, diarrhea, and other illnesses. There is currently a debate regarding the relevance of VAS, but a...midst the debate, researchers acknowledge that the majority of nationally-representative data on VA status is outdated. To address this data gap and contribute to the debate, we examined data from 82 countries implementing VAS programs, identified other VA programs, and assessed the recentness of national VA deficiency (VAD) data.
Article published in: Nutrients, 2017, 9, 190
L’un des principaux défis auxquels fait face le secteur de la santé au Togo est la mise à la disposition des décideurs, des partenaires et du public des données fiables, pertinentes et à temps opportun. Le présent annuaire des statistiques sanitaires a pour objectif, de contribuer à releve...r ce défi, en fournissant des informations de qualité sur le niveau de réalisation des plans d’action et des prestations de santé afin d’apprécier le niveau de performances de la mise en oeuvre des interventions à l’échelle du pays.
Cette publication retrace, sous forme de tableaux et de graphiques, les activités du département de la santé au Togo en 2016. Il s’agit : (i) des ressources en santé, (ii) de l’utilisation des services, (iii) des principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité, (iv) de la situation des maladies prioritaires et (v) des activités préventives et promotionnelles.
Fact sheet
Good hygiene is critical to ensure that healthcare staff provide quality care, reduce the spread of infections, and protect the health of communities. This fact sheet explores the healthcare-related risks of poor hygiene and the critical elements of hand hygiene needed to improve qua...lity of care and reduce negative outcomes of poor compliance (e.g., healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance) in healthcare facilities, and provides recommendations and additional readings for improving hygiene in health settings and achieving a safe, clean healthcare environment.
Large size: 27 MB. Download directly from the website:
This toolkit provides practical guidance to governments, funders, civil society organizations and other implementing partners on conducting a gender analysis and using findings to inform HIV prevention, care and treatment programs with key populations. It outlines considerations and steps for conduc...ting a gender analysis; explores how to engage with stakeholders, including key population members, in a meaningful partnership; shares lessons learned from a comprehensive gender analysis in Kenya and an abridged gender analysis in Cameroon; and provides tools and resources for conducting a gender analysis with key populations.
This paper explores the effect of inherent social inequalities on disability rights movements and their political activities in India and Nepal. The situation for persons with disabilities is similar in both countries. Many social and cultural phenomena coincide, and laws and policies are currently ...being formulated in line with the human rights agenda. In order to understand the current situation and the envisioned future for persons with disabilities, it is important to probe how, and under what circumstances, the disability issue is framed.
This manual is designed to help you:
Understand what schizophrenia is and the problems it causes - this is covered in Section A
Learn how to help people schizophrenia and their families through CBR - this is covered in Section B
Know how you will be supported to deliver CBR - this is ...covered in Section C
Throughout the manual you will follow the experiences of Yosef and Sara, people with schizophrenia, and their families. Yosef and Sara are not real people, but their stories include situations and events that real people with schizophrenia have experienced.
For handwashing to be effective, it needs to be practiced consistently and thoroughly. Even when people have access to soap and water, and know how and why to wash their hands, many still do not properly wash their hands consistently at critical times. The handwashing behavior change challenge is no...t only to encourage people to wash their hands with soap, but to do so correctly and at all critical times.
Nudges are one example of a behavior change tool that can encourage people to wash their hands.
Although the evidence base for nudges is still emerging and nudges for handwashing have been tested primarily in single contexts or on a limited scale, this brief and infographic answer some frequently asked questions about nudges and provides examples of how they have been used in efforts to increase handwashing.
This study explored family adjustment and access to rehabilitative services for children with Down syndrome, between 0-5 years of age, in the ecoculture of Petchaburi Province, Thailand.
Expanding access to quality health services through task sharing
The information provided here can be used to understand the current situation, increase attention to preterm births in Rwanda and to inform dialogue and action among stakeholders. Data can be used to identify the most important risk factors to target and gaps in care in order to identify and impleme...nt solutions for improved outcomes.