Substance use disorders
Chapter G.3
Alcohol misuses
Substance use disorders
Chapter G.1
Section I
Somatoform disorders
Child Psychiatry and Pediatrics
Chapter I.1
Этот документ содержит техническое руководство для стран по мониторингу усилий, направленных на
профилактику и лечение ВИЧ-инфекции среди людей, употребляющих и...ъекционные наркотики (ЛУИН),
и определению амбициозных, но достижимых задач национального уровня для расширения всеобщего
доступа к услугам.
Q1: What are the effective maternal mental health interventions to prevent developmental problems in early infancy?
Prevention, early identification, assessment and intervention in low- and middle-income countries | A Review | CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT
Anti-stigma programs have exploded in the United States as well as across
the world in the past decade. Now needed is a more strategic approach to stigma
change, consideration of evaluation strategies that demonstrate its effectiveness.
2nd edition. Known as “Community Case Management of Sick Children” (CCM), this approach sends community-based health workers out to find, diagnose, and successfully treat sick children, in partnership with their families. Inspired by the classic “Immunization Essentials”, this guide documents what is known about CCM and how to make it work. First, health program managers are introduced to the basics. Then, CCM Essentials walks its readers through the process of designing and managing a high-quality CCM program. The ultimate result: lives of newborns, infants and children saved around the world
Dissertation submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements for a Masters degree at the Centre for International Health and Development (CIHD) at University College London (UCL) Institute of Child Health (ICH)
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This learning paper describes Malaria Consortium’s experience with Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM) in malaria prevention and treatment in Mozambique and Uganda. ICCM is an approach where community-based health workers are trained to identify, treat, and refer complex cases malaria (an...d other diseases) in children
Целью этой главы является представление ключевых элементов, касающихся терапевтического использования психотропных лекарственных средств у детей и подростков, ... также знакомство
клиницистов с общими принципами фармакотерапии психиатрических расстройств в период развития. Для более детального ознакомления со специфическими медикаментами мы рекомендуем читателям обратиться к соответствующим главам, посвященным конкретным расстройствам.
Cовершенствование теоретических знаний и практических навыков по вопросам диагностики и лечения туберкулеза с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью (МЛУ) ми...кобактерий.
Treat diarrhoea, confirmed malaria, and fast breathing
Identify Signs of Illness : Photo 1 and 2. Chest indrawing
Photo 3. Severe malnutrition (marasmus)
Photo 4, 5, and 6. Using a MUAC strap
Photo 7. Severe malnutrition (kwashiorkor)
Photo 8 and 9. Checking for swelling of both feet
With notes to the facilitator (NTF)
A feasibility study in five African sites