Over 244,000 displaced people remain in camps or camp-like situations in Kachin, Shan, Rakhine
and Kayin states. Children make up at least 50 per cent of this population, while women and„Myanmar: 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview - Myanmar“. ReliefWeb. Zugegriffen 4. Januar 2019. https://reliefw...eb.int/report/myanmar/myanmar-2019-humanitarian-needs-overview.
children together make up about 77 per cent. This includes approximately 97,000 people in
Kachin, 8,800 in Shan and 10,300 in Kayin who remain displaced as a result of the armed conflict.
It also includes about 128,000 people in Rakhine, the vast majority of whom are stateless, who
were displaced as a result of the violence in 2012.
Lessons learnt from the ADCAP programme | This guide shares good practices and challenges that have emerged through the experience of the Age and Disability Capacity Programme (ADCAP) implementing partners, in embedding inclusion of older people and people with disabilities within their humanitaria...n policies and practices. All mainstream and specialist organisations engaged in humanitarian responses can learn and benefit from this experience. This guide complements the ‘Humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people with disabilities’ (see Appendix 4), by documenting practices that will help humanitarian organisations to systematically include older people and people with disabilities.
Accelerating HIV prevention to reduce new infections by 75%
Public Health & Primary Care / Research Article
Cogent Medicine (2018), 5: 1430197
Lefebvre et al., Cogent Medicine (2018), 5: 1430197 https://doi.org/10.1080/2331205X.2018.1430197
Research Article
PLOS ONE | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0189770 January 2, 2018
Global Conference on Primary Health Care From Alma-Ata towards universal health coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals
Astana, Kazakhstan, 25 and 26 October 2018
Global AIDS Update 2018
Closing Gaps
Breaking Barriers
Righting injustices
1-13 December 2018 | Geneva, Switzerland UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board Issue date: 23 November 2018
UNAIDS/PCB (43)/18.32
Table of contents:
- Preface
- Introductory note and acknowledgements
- Commentary
- Chapter 1: Drug supply and the market
- Chapter 2: Drug use prevalence and trends
- Chapter 3: Drug-related harms and responses
- Annex: National data tables
Available in 24 languages on:
Supplement Article
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018 www.jaids.com
Supplement Article
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018 www.jaids.com
This report finds that although Lebanese law bars schools from discriminating against children with disabilities, public and private schools exclude many children with disabilities. For those allowed to enroll, schools often lack reasonable accommodations, such as modifications to the classroom envi...ronment and curricula or teaching methods to address children’s needs. Schools also require the families of children with disabilities to pay extra fees and expenses that in effect are discriminatory.
Meeting report, 25-26 September 2017 Copenhagen, Denmark