Where there is no doctor Chapter 3
The document covers: introduction on contact tracing in the Ebola response; general considerations for contact tracing; case definition; planning and preparation; personnel; implementation, and tools for contact tracing.
Diabetes is a major public health problem. The rising incidence of Diabetes Type 2 is related to the effects of urbanization and unhealthy lifestyles. Research studies show that healthy eating and regular physical activity can prevent or delay the onset of Diabetes Type 2, even in high-risk individu...als.
Childhood Respiratory Diseases & the Environment learning objectives
•To understand how the respiratory tract is affected by the environment
•To describe respiratory diseases linked to the environment
•To list one population-level intervention and one personal-level intervention for d...ecreasing risk of respiratory diseases
This series of supportive tools are based on the WHO Therapeutics and COVID-19: living guideline. They are intended to provide supportive information for healthcare workers who are prescribing, administering and monitoring patients receiving nirmatrelvir-ritonavir for non-severe COVID-19.
This guidance note developed by UNICEF explains how the WASH sector can implement infection prevention and control measures in households and community settings. It focuses on reducing the exposure to the disease in vulnerable community settings and public spaces, and the transmission of the disease... in home and community settings hosting patients and contacts. This brief is available in English, Spanish, and French here.
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs | July – September 2017
Esta nota de orientación elaborada por el UNICEF tiene por objeto ayudar al personal de agua, saneamiento e higiene en su preparación y respuesta a la actual pandemia de COVID-19. Proporciona una visión general de la prevención y el control de las infecciones (IPC) y su intersección con el agua..., el saneamiento y la higiene (WASH), y cómo el personal puede ayudar a prevenir la infección y su propagación en las escuelas, ya sea a través de la relación entre personas o tocando superficies contaminadas con el virus. Los servicios de WASH, incluyendo la gestión de residuos y la limpieza del medio ambiente, son todos importantes para el CPI. Este informe está disponible en inglés, español y francés aquí.
Межведомственный постоянный комитет (МПК) подготовил данное Руководство с целью оказания помощи гуманитарным организациямв планировании, осуществлении и коорди...ации ряда мультисекторныхмер минимального реагирования, направленных на защиту и улучшение психического здоровья, а также психосоциального благополучия в разгарчрезвычайной ситуации.
Руководство включает матрицу с рекомендациями по планированиюв период чрезвычайной ситуации, действия, необходимые на ранних стадиях чрезвычайной ситуации, а также комплексные меры реагирования на этапе восстановления и реабилитации. Матрица – ценный инструмент дляприменения на этапах координации, сотрудничества и защиты интересов. Данный инструмент дает схему для определения объемов осуществленияважных первых шагов реагирования во время чрезвычайной ситуации.
Working towards better COVID-19 outcomes in the WHO European Region.From the first COVID-19 cases in Europe reported on
24 January 2020, the pandemic reached 1 million cases
within 3 months, 10 million cases within 8 months, and
100 million cases in Europe alone within 2 years. Over
the course o...f its two years, COVID-19 has claimed over
1.6 million lives across Europe and Central Asia. The
World Health Organization (WHO) European Region has
accounted for close to a third of the cumulative global
COVID-19 cases and deaths.