The new Global Strategy aims to achieve the highest attainable standard of health for all women, children and adolescents, transform the future and ensure that every newborn, mother and child not only survives, but thrives.
The report presents current information (updated to September 2015) on candidate vaccines, therapies and medical devices for Ebola and gives an overview of completed and on-going trials.
Este documentopretende fornecer orientações provisórias sobre medições padrão da circunferência da cabeça, padrões de referência para o crescimento, avaliações e investigações clínicas necessárias para estabelecer um diagnóstico de microcefalia e verificar se há anomalias neuroló...gicas associadas
SIAPS Technical Report. This report summarizes key accomplishments and lessons learned in implementing SIAPS’ approach to improving IPC practices in four countries: South Africa, Namibia, Jordan, and Ethiopia. All activities address SIAPS’s overall objective to build or enhance national and faci...lity capacity to develop, implement, and monitor IPC programs by focusing on the principles of health systems strengthening.
Curriculum reform efforts to enhance training on rational medicine use (RMU) and AMR should pay particular attention to ensuring that the right topics are integrated and the right teaching-learning methodologies are adopted.
J Nepal Health Res Counc 2013 May;11(24):198-204