The 23rd meeting of the WHO Expert Committee on Selection and Use of Essential Medicines was coordinated from Geneva, Switzerland, and held virtually from 21 June to 2 July 2021. The Committee considered 88 applications proposing additions, changes and deletions of medicines, medicine classes and fo...rmulations on the Model Lists of Essential Medicines. The Committee evaluated the scientific evidence for comparative effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of the medicines in question. The Committee also considered a review of the therapeutic alternatives for medicines on the Model Lists, and update to the AWaRe classification of antibiotics, and reviews and reports relevant to the selection and use of essential medicines.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2007;85:637–643
Une traduction en français de ce résumé figure à la fin de l’article.
Al final del artículo se facilita una traducción al español.
الترجمة العربية لهذه الخلاصة في نهاية النص الكامل ل...هذه المقالة.
Rapport sur les populations clès
Accessed November 2017
Key populations brief
Accessed 2017
В этом разделе рассматривается недостаток доступа к медицинской помощи и непрерывности ее оказания внутри и вокруг мест добычи, а также политики, которые препятст...вуют трудовым мигрантам, наиболее распространенному классу шахтерского населения, получить необходимый доступ к медицинской помощи.
Migration Health Division Information Sheet Series
Migration Health Assistance for Crisis-Affected Populations
HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, Cholera, Re/Emerging Diseases and Mobility
HIV/TB workplace policy and Implementation Strategy
Halte à la tuberculose.
Maladies transmissibles.
treat TB
Description of Research Outputs, 2009 - 2014
Eur Respir J 2016; 48: 808–817 | DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00840-2016
Clinical Medicine
JCI Insight. 2017;2(7):e91963.
Weekly epidemiological record/ Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire 4 AUGUST 2017, 92th YEAR / 4 AOÛT 2017, 417-436