Reporting Period 2010-2011
German HIV Practice Collection: Publications in this Collection describe programmes supported by German Development Cooperation that have been assessed as “promising or good practice” by an editorial board of experts from German development organizations and by two international peer reviewers w...ith renowned expertise in the particular field.
This report analyses the intersection of HIV, COVID-19 and public debt in developing countries. The collision between COVID-19 and a crippling debt crisis have reversed decades of progress - putting present and future investments in health and HIV at risk. Pragmatic options to address the pandemic t...riad are proposed.
New funding requirements: CHF 2.8 billion IFRC-wide of which CHF 670 million is channelled through the IFRC Emergency Appeal in support of National Societies
Interim Framework for the South-East Asia Region 28 October 2020
The five hepatitis viruses have different epidemiological profiles, and their impact, duration, and transmission route also vary. The most common transmission routes contributing to the spread of hepatitis are exposure to infected blood via blood transfusion or unsafe injection practices, consumptio...n of contaminated food and drinking water, and transmission from mother to child during pregnancy and delivery. Also, unsafe injection practices, including the use of unsterile needles and syringes, serve as a major pathway for the spread of hepatitis B and C, and reducing transmission of both diseases requires addressing these practices.
Effective infection prevention and control (IPC) is the cornerstone of every health system. As of 2023, 17 Member States have a functioning IPC programme; 19 countries have developed national IPC guidelines; and 13 countries have adopted multimodel intervention strategies to improve th
interim guidance, 25 November 2024
In recent decades, India has witnessed a rapidly exploding epidemic of diabetes.
Indeed, India today has the second largest number of people with diabetes in the
world. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates that there are 72.9 million people with diabetes in India in 2017, which is... projected to rise to 134.3 million by the year 2045. The prevalence of diabetes in urban India, especially in large metropolitan cities has increased from 2% in the 1970s to over 20% at present and the rural areas are also fast catching up.
The growing burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including disability, violence and injuries, has devastating health consequences for individuals, families and communities and threatens to overwhelm health systems. It is recognized that failure to act on noncommunicable diseases in the short t...erm would lead to massive cumulative output losses.
On 14 August 2024, the Director-General of the World Health Organization determined that the upsurge of mpox in a growing number of countries in Africa constitutes a new public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005)
Психические расстройства имеют общие черты с другими неинфекционными заболеваниями, в том числе многие основные причины и общие последствия, высокую степень взаи...мозависимости и склонность развиваться одновременно, а также то, что их наиболее эффективное лечению связано с использованием интегрированных подходов. Схемы более интегрированного планирования и программирования включают: вмешательства популяционного уровня, направленные на повышение осведомленности о факторах риска НИЗ и психических расстройств и их снижение (посредством изменения законодательства, регулирования и повышения информированости); внедрение программ, осуществляемых в школах, на рабочих местах и в сообществах в целях укрепления психического и физического благополучия; предоставление более индивидуальных услуг здравоохранения, и предоставление более координированной помощи людям с (часто коморбидными) психическими и соматическими заболеваниями.
All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) has been a signatory to the Climate and Environment Charter since 2021 and has worked extensively in advancing the commitments to the Charter through its programs and operations, as well as an advocacy partner within India and regionally.
This codebook outlines the set of TUFF procedures that have been developed, tested, refined, and implemented by AidData staff and affiliated faculty at the College of William & Mary. We initially employed these methods to achieve a specific objective: documenting the known universe of officially fin...anced Chinese projects in Africa (Strange et al. 2013, 2017). We have since then employed these methods to track Chinese official finance to five major world regions: Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Central and Eastern Europe (Dreher et al. 2017). Additionally, other social scientists have adapted and applied the TUFF methodology to identify grants and loans from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members (Minor et al. 2014), under-reported humanitarian assistance flows from traditional and non-traditional sources (Ghose 2017), foreign direct investment from Western and non-Western sources (Bunte et al. 2017), and pre-2000 foreign aid flows from China (Morgan and Zheng 2017). However, this codebook focuses specifically on TUFF data collection and quality assurance procedures to track Chinese official finance between 2000 and 2014.
This document contains guidance for strengthening the disability inclusiveness of MHPSS responses and programmes in emergency settings. It is intended to supplement the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (2007).
Overall Objective
To consider and add...ress the mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) requirements of persons living in emergency settings with all types of disabilities on an equal basis to the MHPSS requirements of all persons, using a human rights-based approach and implementing social-ecological frameworks.