В основе настоящих руководящих принципов лежит структура организации мероприятий в соответствии с тремя задачами:
• создание и укрепление механизмов комплексно...го предоставления услуг ПИН;
• уменьшение совокупного бремени ТБ, ВИЧ, вирусного гепатита и других сопутствующих патологий у ПИН посредством комплексного предоставления всеобъемлющих услуг; и
• обеспечение стандарта медико-санитарной помощи в тюрьмах, аналогичного стандарту оказания медикосанитарной помощи вне тюрем, за счет гармонизации мер вмешательства и налаживания связи со службами на уровне сообщества.
Depression is a leading cause of non-fatal disease burden worldwide, with a lifetime prevalence of 9% among European adult men and 17% among European adult women.
The task at hand requires substantial investments in preventive mental health care, but the potential benefits can be equally rewarding.... After all, mental wellbeing is a key resource for learning, productivity, participation and inclusion. Investing in proactive care to promote, protect and sustain mental health in the population is therefore likely to offer good value for money.
MODULE 5 RESOURCE GUIDE | This guide is part of a series of manuals that focuses on six topics in Early Childhood Development (ECD): different programming approaches, basic concepts, assessments, early childhood environments, children with special needs and child protection, and the health, safety a...nd nutrition of young children. The series was prepared within a three-year CRS-led project called “Strengthening the Capacity of Women Religious in Early Childhood Development,” or “SCORE ECD.” Funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the project helps Catholic sisters in Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia in their work with children aged 0-5 years and their families. The project is being implemented from January 2014 to December 2016
We live in a world in which 28 million children have been driven from their
homes as a result of conflict, persecution and insecurity¹. If current trends
continue, more than 63 million children could be forced to flee by 2025², of
which over 25 million will cross borders and become refugees. At... least
300,000 of these child refugees will end up alone, separated from their
families³. Without a step-change in the provision of education for refugee
children, at least 12 million of them will be out of school by 2025⁴.
Cette évaluation est axée en premier lieu sur la planification familiale et en second lieu sur la santé maternelle, néonatale et de l’enfant (SMNE), le VIH/sida, le paludisme et la nutrition. L’évaluation avait les objectifs suivants :
1. Produire un aperçu des parties prenantes du secte...ur privé de la santé et de leurs rôles respectifs
2. Évaluer le niveau du dialogue politique entre les secteurs public et privé de la santé 3. Décrire les contributions du secteur privé aux principaux marchés et domaines de la santé, y compris le financement de la santé
4. Évaluer les marchés spécifiques pour les principaux produits et services de santé, et décrire la dynamique de l’offre et de la demande
5. Identifier les opportunités actuelles et potentielles pour des partenariats public-privé dans le secteur de la santé
6. Fournir des recommandations sur les meilleures façons de rendre les partenariats public-privé (PPP) opérationnels dans le secteur de la santé
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
The main objective of these guidelines is to provide guidance on up-to-date, uniform, evidence-informed practices for suspecting, diagnosing and managing various forms of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) at all levels of healthcare delivery. They can then contribute to the National Programme to i...mprove detection, care and outcomes in EPTB; to help the programme with initiation of treatment, adherence and completion whilst minimizing drug toxicity and overtreatment; and contribute to practices that minimize the development of drug resistance.
The document covers: introduction on contact tracing in the Ebola response; general considerations for contact tracing; case definition; planning and preparation; personnel; implementation, and tools for contact tracing.
54th directing council; 67th session of the regional Committee of WHO for the Americas
CD54/11, Rev. 1, 2 October 2015, Original: Spanish
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For medical students and doctors