Herramientas de adaptación del Plan Estratégico Colombia Libre de Tuberculosis post 2015
Convenio 519 de 2015 Colombia, septiembre de 2016
The Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) is a software application for use on desktop or laptop computers and mobile devices (minimum screen size of 7.9 inches recommended). It was developed to facilitate the assessment of within-country health inequalities. The Built-in Database Edition, Version... 1.0 is available as an online application and as a standalone version for download
This Training module on malaria elimination has been developed by WHO to support health professionals in planning, managing, monitoring and evaluating malaria elimination programmes
Amoris laetitia: Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on love in the family (19 March 2016)
Exhortation Apostolique sur l' amour dans la famille (2016)
Nachsynodales Apostolisches Schreiben uber die liebe in der familie (2016)
Exhortacion Apostolic Postsinodal Amoris Laetitia sobre el amor en la familia SOBRE (2016)
In this review, the editors will investigate the impact of eight WASH interventions in preventing (reducing the risk of) and controlling outbreaks in LMIC, with particular focus on three diseases of current concern to the response community – cholera, Ebola, and Hepatitis E. Additionally, we will ...explore economic outcomes related to WASH interventions within an outbreak
EU Compass for Action on Mental Health and Well-being
The key updates include: content update in various sections based on new evidence; design changes for enhanced usability; a streamlined and simplified clinical assessment that includes an algorithm for follow-up; inclusion of two new modules
- Essential Care and Practice that includes general guid...elines and Iminterventions and implementation module to support the proposed interventions by necessary infrastructure and resources; and, revised modules for Psychoses, Child and Adolescent Mental and Behavioural Disorders and Disorders due to Substance Use
Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Call
April 12, 2016