EU and Global Governance for Health - How EU global policies impact health
Regulation of the minister of health of the Republic of Indonesia number 97 of 2014 on pre-pregnancy health services, pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, contraceptive service and sexual health services
By 2050, nearly 1 in 3 births worldwide will occur in the
29 countries in Africa and the Middle East where FGM/C
is concentrated, and nearly 500 million more girls and
women will be living in these countries than there are today.
In Somalia alone, where FGM/C prevalence stands at 98
per cent, t...he number of girls and women will more than
double. In Mali, where prevalence is 89 per cent, the female
population will nearly triple.
Service Availability and Readiness Assessment Tool
Examination of the business behaviour of Boehringer Ingelheim, Bayer and Baxter in Uganda
The report provides an overview of the disaster risk reduction and management in Nepal, a country under threat of multiple natural hazards: earthquakes, floods, landslides, fires, storms, the epidemics, and others. It presents background information on the country, its disaster profile, its legal an...d institutional framework, the country's achievements in regards to the Hyogo Framework for Action, and looks at the challenges and future steps in the area of disaster management in Nepal.
В методическом пособии приведен анализ основных нормативно-правовых документов по вопросам качества медицинской помощи, изложены методические подходы к оценке к...ачества психиатрической помощи пациентами, их родственниками и работниками психиатрических учреждений с использованием социологического опроса. Приведены краткие результаты этой оценки. Включены опросники для изу-
чения мнения потребителей помощи и персонала психиатрических учреждений об оказываемой помощи и удовлетворенности ее качеством
This 88 page book is designed to help primary care workers understand mental health problems and how they can be treated. Mental health problems from childhood to old age are examined. The book focuses primarily on the Afghan culture but is also relevant to a wider community
Technical and operational ‘how-to’: practical considerations