The booklet includes a number of child protection case management forms to be used in tandem with the Training Manual and Framework.
El Estado Mundial de la Infancia 2017 trata sobre un tema extraordinario que influye cada vez más en casi todos los aspectos de la vida de millones de niños en todo el mundo y, de hecho, de todos nosotros: la tecnología digital. A medida que aumenta la influencia de la tecnología digital, y espe...cialmente de internet, el debate sobre sus repercusiones se intensifica: ¿es una bendición para la humanidad, ya que ofrece oportunidades ilimitadas para la comunicación y el comercio, el aprendizaje y la libertad de expresión? ¿O es una amenaza para nuestra forma de vida, ya que socava el tejido social, incluso el orden político, y amenaza nuestro bienestar?
This document is to guide policy makers, managers, districts, health workers, communities, NGOs and all other stakeholders on how to implement newborn health services.
This document sets out Rwanda's Maternal, Neonatal Child Health (MNCH) national strategy (July 2013- June 2018). The MNCH strategy provides a framework for addressing maternal, neonatal and child health challenges currently facing Rwanda. It is an overarching strategy for scale up of the national re...sponse to reduce the current levels of maternal, neonatal and child mortality and morbidity in line with the
MDG health related targets and HSSP III targets. The life cycle approach and continuum of care concept, starting with care from the home environment to health facility, guided the development of this roadmap. It aims also to maintain and expand the coverage of cost effective and high impact interventions for maternal, neonatal and child survival in order to achieve national and international targets.