Accessed on 20.03.2020
Il est troublant de se voir changer. Cela soulève toutes sortes d’interrogations simples ou complexes, audacieuses, parfois angoissantes, toujours importantes. Des questions qui touchent à l’identité, au corps, à la relation à l’autre, à la sexualité et à l’...amour. L’adolescence est une période de recherche, de découvertes, d’essais et de remises en question. Cette brochure propose des pistes de réponses et des éléments de réflexion pour combattre les idées reçues, les préjugés et les fausses croyances souvent sources de souffrances pour soi-même et pour les autres.
Ce document fournit des conseils provisoires sur la prévention, l'identification et la gestion de l'infection des travailleurs de la santé dans le contexte de COVID-19. Il s'adresse aux services de santé au travail, aux services ou points focaux de prévention et de contrôle des infections, aux ...administrateurs des établissements de santé et aux autorités de santé publique, tant au niveau national qu'au niveau des établissements.
Interim guidance2 November 2020
This interim guidance, originally entitled “Harmonized health service capacity assessments in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic”, is an update to the earlier version published on 31 May 2020 as “Harmonized modules for health ... facility assessment modules in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic”. In this update, module content has been further refined and developed
Interim Version 24, February 2020
This checklist has been prepared with the aim of supporting hospital managers and emergency planners in achieving the above by defining and initiating actions needed to ensure a rapid response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The checklist is structured on eleven key co...mponents; under each component, there is a list of questions regarding the status of implementation of the recommended action specific to that component. Hospitals at risk of increased health service demand should be prepared to initiate the implementation of each action promptly. The section on “Recommended reading” lists selected tools, guidelines and strategies relevant to each component, as well as other supporting documentation.
Infectious diseases continue to impose unpredictable burdens on global health and economies, a subject that requires constant research and updates. In this sense, the objective of the present article was to review studies on the role of wild animals as reservoirs and/or dispersers of etiological age...nts of human infectious diseases in order to compile data on the main wild animals and etiological agents involved in zoonotic outbreaks.
Orientaciones provisionales 16 de diciembre de 2020
En el presente documento se resumen las orientaciones actuales de la OMS para la vigilancia de salud pública en relación con la coronavirosis de 2019 (COVID-19) en el ser humano debida a la infección por el coronavirus del síndrome respiratori...o agudo severo de tipo 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
Five years after a global commitment to Fast-Track the HIV response and end AIDS by 2030, the world is off track. A promise to build on the momentum created in the first decade of the twenty-first century by front-loading investment and accelerating HIV service provision has been fulfilled by too fe...w countries.
How has the DRC Ebola outbreak impacted Sexual and Reproductive Health in North-Kivu?
Recommendations (more specifics found in the assessment):
1. Sexual and reproductive health needs and services are to be embedded in the EVD response from the outset.
2. Reduce delays at every stage of the patie...nt journey, particularly for women experiencing obstetric complications, including complications from abortion.
3. Support individuals and communities to mitigate SRH risks posed during and after EVD epidemic:
4. Formulate SRH guidelines for the EVD context involving experts in all relevant fields.
Orientations provisoires 2 novembre 2020
Ces orientations provisoires sont une mise à jour de la version précédente publiée le 31 mai 2020, en anglais, sous le titre « Harmonized modules for health facility assessment modules in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: interi...m guidance ». Cette mise à jour a permis d’affiner et de développer davantage le contenu des modules.
To save the lives of mothers and their babies, mitigate complications, and limit the spread of disease, it is critical that recommendations are made on the prevention, treatment, and surveillance of women who are exposed to EVD, acquire EVD during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or survive EVD with pregnancies. These guidelines are the first to provide such recommendations.
The harmonized training package for Point-of-use-fortification using micronutrient powders has been developed to guide in training frontline health workers. The micronutrient powders will be distributed at the health facilities where instructions on use will be provided by Health Care Providers. Com...munity Health Volunteers will educate, counsel, and mobilize caregivers at the community level to visit health facilities for nutrition assessment and provision of the micronutrient powders.
August 2020.
In December 2018, the President launched the UHC pilot covering four strategically selected counties-Isiolo, Kisumu, Machakos and Nyeri. It isplanned that by the year 2022, all persons in Kenya will be able to use the essential services they need for their health... and wellbeing through a single unified benefit package, without the risk of financial catastrophe. Essential health products are considered an integral part of UHC andare an indispensable element for delivery ofservices andare also a requirement for qualitycare. Despite this realization, a review of the UHC pilot in September 2019 established that whereas the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) was able to fill up to 80% of pharmaceutical items, the order fill rate for medical supplies was less than 50%for level 2 and 3 facilities and as low as 30%for level 4 and 5 facilities.
Accessed: 07.03.2020
A Review of Community Health Worker (CHW) knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to the sexual health of MSM, including existing training materials and manuals in Europe and neighbouring countries (D5.1)
Contract 2015 71 01 A behavioural survey for HIV/AIDS and assoc...iated infections and a survey and tailored training for community based health workers to facilitate access and improve the quality of prevention, diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, STI and viral hepatitis and health care services for men who have sex with men (MSM).
Pubic Health
Mars 2020. Recommendations selon les differentes phases
22nd edition
Each of the 20 chapters deals with aspects of the UHC journey, dedicated towards an equitable and inclusive national health system that leaves no-one behind. While some authors describe the fundamental changes and practical considerations required to reconfigure the country's health sy...stem, others have reflected on specific programmatic areas and have made recommendations from a National Health Insurance (NHI)/UHC lens.
In addition, we are pleased to announce that this year's edition includes two innovations. First is the provision of concise summaries of the chapters in the form of 'chapters at a glance'. These are positioned together at the start of the publication for ease of reference and to give a quick overview. The second innovation is the introduction of our Healthcare Workers' Writing Programme (HCWWP), which provides support to first-time authors wanting to publish in the Review.
22nd edition
The purpose of the SAHR has always been to analyse and assess progress and challenges in key areas of the health system, and to propose recommendations for improvement. We are pleased to continue this tradition in the 2019 edition, which presents a unique collection of perspectives on ...the key challenges in implementing universal health coverage (UHC) in South Africa, as analysed by experts in various fields.
Each of the 20 chapters deals with aspects of the UHC journey, dedicated towards an equitable and inclusive national health system that leaves no-one behind. While some authors describe the fundamental changes and practical considerations required to reconfigure the country's health system, others have reflected on specific programmatic areas and have made recommendations from a National Health Insurance (NHI)/UHC lens.